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RAMSEY �OUNTY <br />20�7' LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL <br />DEPARTMENT: Property Records ar�d Re�en�e <br />PROGRAM PROP4SAL: <br />P�rmit voters to cast a ballot in person at ar�y location where absentee ballots are <br />avaiiable to the voter during the eight days prior to an electior�. This proposai wili <br />also enable the county, municipalit�es and schooi districts �o properly implement <br />�he provisions of federal artd sta�e laws concerning aecessibl� votittg systems for <br />persons with disabilities or limi�ed English lang�age skitls. Proposed lange�age is <br />atiached. <br />FISCAL iMPACT: <br />There woutd be a reduetion iro costs of admiraisterir�g in-person vo�ing at the <br />Ramsey County Electio�� office and at the municipal and school district offices <br />due to the fact tF�at it would no longer be �aecessary for voters to use the absentee <br />ballot �nrr�lop�s and forms �o c��t ah� b�lltat. ln additican, havirag a roster for <br />voters to sign elimir�afies fihe sta�Ff' time needed to retrieve absentee applications <br />for purposes vf sigr�ature comparison, It is estimaied that a cost reduction of <br />approximately $3.00 per voter transacfion will resuli from a streamlining of the <br />process for in-p�rson vo#ing prior to �fection day. Typically, in-person voting <br />acco�nts for approximately '15-20% of alf abser�tee �oting activity and th�s <br />proportion has been increasing in recent years. <br />SPECiFlCS ON WHO WIL� SUPPC}RT �R OPP(3S� TH�S I.EGlS�ATION: <br />The major elements of �his proposal were contained in the House omnibus <br />eleciior� bill in 2005. Th� prcaposal was no� ul�imately vofied on by t�e House. A <br />somewhat related proposal au�F�ori�ir�� "eariy �oting", which is common in other <br />s�ates, was defeaied in t�re Senate in 2€)05 by a 28-38 vote. The opposifion <br />appeared to be from members wf�o were not comfortabie with expanded <br />opportu�tities io va�e by mail. <br />DEPARTMENT CONTACT AN[} PHONE NUMBER: <br />Dorothy A. McClung: 65't-ZS6-2196 <br />Joe Mansky: 657 �266-2221 <br />