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PROP05E��ANGUAGE <br />201.�22 [STATEWEDE REGISTRATION SYSTEM� <br />Subdivisivr� 1, Estab�ishment. The secretary a� state shall maintain a stafiewi�e <br />voter registrafiian system to fiacilitate voter registration an� to prc�vide a central database <br />containing vater registration information from around ti�e sta�e. The system must be <br />acc�ssible to t�e county auc�itor of each coun�y in �he s�ate. The system rnust also: <br />15 rovide rosters master {isis and ofher r� n�ts necessa for �otin in <br />persan prior ta election dak. <br />2038.�2 [GENERAL ELIGIB[LITY REQUIREMENTS] <br />Subdivisivn 1. [�'"����n �'- -�a ABSENGE FROM PO�.LING <br />PLACE.] � Any eEigible voter who �easer�a� expects to be ��e�-�e-ge--�e absent <br />from the polling place on e[eciion day ir� tt�e pr�cinc� w�ere the individual maintains <br />r��+�����.� i�rtn.��� o�Lr�na frnm 4hQ riraninn� E�I�c�on rfinnhili�1i rnlirri�i �n r�Iinn� <br />t o e t <br />0 <br />may vote �-a�e�a�ee�-�le� in �erson �t any [acatian <br />where abs�ntee ballots mav �e cast as �rovic��d in sections 2038.08� . 203B.OS5 and <br />203B.086 durin ihe ei ht da s recedin an election. This subdivision does �ot <br />a�plY fa a s ecia[ election to fill a vacanc in office ursuant to sections 2Q4D. � 7 ta <br />204D.27 not held concurrently with a state primary ar gen�ral election as pravided in <br />sections 2038.04 ta 2�38.'[ a. � <br />b An eli ible vo�er wl�a reasanabl ex ects ta be unable to a to t�e ollin lace on <br />e[�ction da ir� the recinct where the individua] mair��ains residence b�cause af <br />absenc� from the recinct illness disabilit reli ious disci line observance c�f a <br />reli ious holida Oi S�NIC� �S �li �I�Ct1011 'ud � in anather precinct may �ot� bx <br />abseniee ballot in erson or b mail d�rin t�e 30 da s recedir� an e[ectinn as <br />pravide� in sections 2038.04 �0 2038.15. <br />2036.081 [LOCATl4NS �OR ABSENTEE VOTING IN PERSON� <br />An eligible vo�er may �ote by absentee �a[lat during the 3Q days before the <br />eleetion in tf�e offiee of the coun�y audi#or and at any o�her polling place designated by <br />the county au�itor. TF�e county a�ditor shall make suc� designations at least 90 days <br />b�fore �he election. At Ieast ane vpiing baoth and ane voting system for disabled uaters <br />in eaeh �alling place must be made availa�le by the caunty a�ditor for #his purpose. <br />203B.Q$5 [CDUNTY AUDIT4R'S AND MUNICfPAL CLERK'S DFFICES TO REMAIN <br />OPEN DURING CERTA[N HC?URS PRECEDING EL.ECTION] <br />The counfy auditor's office ir� each county and the clerk's office in �ach ci#y nr <br />town authorized under section 2038.0� to administer absen#ee balloting must �� op�n <br />far acceptance o� absentee �allc�t applications and casting of abser�tee �a�lots from <br />10:p0 a.m. �0 3:00 p.m. on Saturday and until 5:98-�: 12:00 r�oon on the day <br />immediately preceding a primary, special, or general election U�iess fhat day fa�ls on a <br />