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PROPOS�DLANGUAGE <br />Laws of 2005, Ch '[62, See. 34. [APPROPRIATIONS.] <br />Subdivisian 1. [ASS[STIVE VOTING TECHN4�.OGY.] <br />{a} $29,000,000 is appropriate� from the Help America Vote Act account fn the <br />secretary of s�at�: for grants to cour�ties �or ��e following purposes: <br />(1) to purchase eiectranic �oting systems equipp�d for individuals with <br />disabilities that meet the requiremenis of Minnesata Statutes, sec�ion 206.80, <br />and have been ce�tified by �he sscretary of state under Minnesota Statutes, <br />sectinn 206.�7; the systems may be �ither ballo� marking equipm�nf �or persnns <br />with disa�ifities ar�d o�her vo�ers or assis�ive �oting macl�ines ��at combine vntin� <br />me�hods used for persons with disabiliti�s with precinct-�ased c�ptical scan voting <br />machines; <br />�2} ta de�ray operating eosts of the assisiiv� va�ing equi�mer�t p�rchased under <br />clause (1), �p to $60p p�r pallir�g place per year; and <br />(3) ta tE�e exfient that money remains after purchasing an assisti�e voting system <br />for each �olling piace, to purchase precinct-counfi or ceniral-count r�ptical scan <br />eiecfironic �oting systems. <br />T�is appropriation is avai[a�le unfiil J�ane 30, ZOD9. <br />(b) "Operating costs" ir�clude actual county and municipal costs for hardware <br />mainienanc�, electian day technicai support, software (icensing, system programming, <br />voiing system t�sting, training of county or municipa[ s�aff in th� use nf the assistive <br />voiing system, salaries af election '�d es assi r�ed to ro�ide vo�ers with instructian and <br />assistance in the �rse of the assistive uotin s s�ems transpartation af the assistive <br />vatir�g sysiems fo and fram the pol[ing places, and storage of �h� assistive vnting <br />systems between eleetions. <br />