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RAMSEY COUNTY <br />2�07 LEG�SLAT�VE PROPC�SAL <br />DEPARTMENT: Property Records ar�d Revenue <br />PROGRAM PROP(�SAL: <br />Congress enacted the Help America Votie Ac# (HAVA} ir� 2002, in par�, to provid� <br />the oppo�tunity for vo4ers with disabilifiies to vote secretly and ir�depender�tly and <br />provided each state wifF� gran� money to provid� an accessible votir�g device in <br />each polling p[ace. The legislature �ubsequently p�-ovided Ramsey County with <br />appro�cimately $'1,256,a0Q in HAVA grant mor�ey to purchase and operate the <br />accessibl� votir�g devices. To succ�ssf�lly imp�em�r�� these new vating devices, <br />it wi[I be a�se#ul to have an additional electior� judge assigned in each polling <br />place to provide voters with instruction ar�d assi�ta»ce in the us� of these <br />devices. <br />RamSey County reques�s thai th� legislature amend the assistive voting <br />#echrtology appropriatioras law �o autt�orize the use o�F the state HAVA funds to <br />pay �l�e saiaries of th� electian juctges whv are assigned to provide voter <br />assistance with the voting devices. Proposed ianguage is includec�. <br />�ISCAL IMPACT: <br />The es�imated cost of implemen�ing this pro�osal in Ramsey County for the 2UU7- <br />2008 electior� years is approximately $80,000. There are sufficier�� remai�ing <br />funds in fhe HAVA grant account to pay these costs througl� the er�d of ��� stat� <br />bienr�iu�m ending on June 30, 2009, wher� the appropria�ion �a�guage expires. <br />SPECIFICS 4N WH� WIL�. SUPP�RT OR OPPOSE THlS LEGISLATlON: <br />�t is assumed tl�at this propos�l wot�ld be suppor�ed by ail jurisdictions <br />appoir�tir�g election judges. It is also reasonable to assume thai this proposat <br />would aiso be supported by comm�nity groups working with disabled voters. No <br />known opposition is anticipated at �l�is time. <br />DEPARTMENT CONTACT AN� PHONE NUMBER: <br />Dorothy A. McClung — 65�-266-2196 <br />Joe Mar�sky • 65�1-266-2221 <br />