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Dat�: 9/25/4b <br />Item: 13.a <br />. Bloomington MN <br />� Lot Saze & Tre� Pxeservation <br />Date: 9/18/46 <br />Item: 7.a <br />Bloamington MN O�dinance <br />Lot Size & Taree Preservation <br />(iRI�iNAI�GE NO. 200fi- <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW PLAT FiN�I�GS, R�SIQ�NTIA�. LOi' WID'�i� S'TAN�AR�S, <br />BUILpING H�1GN7 5iA1�DA�tDS ANI] R�SIDEI�T[AL'iREE PRESERVATIQN STANDARDS TH�R��Y <br />AMENC�ING CHAPT�RS '16 AND 79 OF THE CITY CO�E <br />i'he City Cnuncil of ihe City nf Binamir�gton, Minnesota arcEains: <br />5ection 1. Thaf Chapter � 6 of the City Code is hereby atri�nded by dele#ing ihose words that are <br />eantainec� in brackets [] and adding those words that are ur�derlinecl, to read as fiollows: <br />��� <br />CHAPTER 16 <br />LAN� ❑�VELC}PMENT AN� P�,ATTING <br />ARTICLE !. SUBDiVISIOI� R�GULATtQNS <br />,�** <br />SEC. 16.05.01. SUBDIVISION R�Vi�W PROG�SS. <br />*,�* <br />(�} [ , <br />, , <br />���+�ic-��: <br />I^�1 TI�n4 4hn rinninry nr 'rr�nrn�inrvrnni r.f ihe rn ��n i 'n nnr.fEini �aeiily r.r.lin++hfn r7ntrnEr.r�me..r.f <br />i 7��.,-tn�c�a-��v�n.—+• r9rrm—'+���rsr-vrzriti.-Pi'v rra-'�ro-�.-ornm.rfr�m�p�+rc��.—c�co:vprr�rrc <br />P'�"� <br />/�\ Thn4 +h�. ni4� in r...F r.h.rnin.�.fhr nniP.�h ���qy�ypA� <br />, r, , �.., , <br />n�r 4�nn��n4�ce�l�cho�ua�ga��$�_7 ., " <br />3 <br />A prelim9nary or final �lat musi be denied if the Isauinc� Authoritv maKea anv of �he followinq f€�dings: <br />�} The plat is in eanfliet with #he Comarehensiue Plan; <br />f2) The plat is in conflict with anv applicable caeneral nr area pla�; <br />� The plat daes not conform witF� City Code stancfards ancE other a�plieable iaws and regulations; <br />!4) The pla� creates conflicts with exis�ing easetnents; <br />15) There is inad�quaie publie infrasiructure {roads, ufilities. siarm water s�stem. ert�ergen� servic�s� <br />sehoals etc.) to suppari the �ciditional developrr�ent potentia! created b�he plat. <br />(7� The aLl�t wi[I be detr�mentaf to the public health, safety csr generaf welfare. <br />