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Sectian 2. Tha� Chap�er 19 of the Ciry Code is her�by amended by d�leiing thns� words that are <br />contained in brackets [ j and adding those words that are underiined, to read as foElo►+vs: <br />��� <br />�** <br />CHAP�'ER 19 <br />�F�7�iII.T <br />ART�CLE 1. GENERAL PR�V�SIONS <br />Diuisian B. pefinitions <br />SEC. 19.03. DEFINfT[ONS. <br />The foElowing words and terrris when �ased in this Chapter shall have the follawing rr�eanings unless the <br />eontext clearly indicates otherwise: <br />**� <br />Caliper - The diamater of a tree measured six inches above the ground for trees four inches in diamet�r ar <br />less and rr�easured twelve inches abo�e ihe ground for trees greater than faur inches in diameter. <br />*�* <br />Lat witith -- � <br />.] 'ihe distance between th� side lot lines of a lot meas�ared �nless <br />��� <br />ARTICLE 111. ZONING �31STRICT MAP, ZQN�NG DISTRICTS AND �I3�RICT USES <br />*�� <br />SEC. 19.27.(�1. LARG� 1»OT SI[JGLE FAMILY RESILIENTIAi. DISTRICT RS-1. <br />��� <br />(d} Dimensior�al Requirem�nts — <br />(1) dimensional Requirerr�ents: Single Family f3wellir�gs <br />A. Minimum iot area: <br />B. Minimum lot width: <br />C. Mir�irrtum Setbacks: <br />i. Fran#: <br />ii. Side: <br />iii. Rear: <br />Page 2 <br />33,000 square feet <br />80 feet or as r�,taired in <br />Sec#ion 19.42 (h), <br />whlchever is c�reater <br />30 feet or as rec�uired in <br />Section 19.42 {a), <br />whichever is reater <br />'f 0 feet <br />3n feet <br />