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(3) In addition to th� height limitatians noted in 99.4�7(c)(1} and (2), no new str�act�re shal6 be canstructed <br />or esiablished; no existing s#ructure shall be altered, changed, rebuilt, repaired, or repfaced; and no <br />tree sha11 be allowed to graw or be altered, repaired or replaced, or replanted ir� anyway so as to <br />project above ar�y Airspac� Surface as shown an M5P Zoning Map Airspace Zor��s-('lat� A-19, A-20, <br />A-21, A-22, A-25, A-26, A-27 and A-28 of the 2004 MSP Zoning (3rdinanc�. <br />i�? A�p�icability . <br />{1) In all zoning districts, the maximum height of any siructure, building, or portion ther�af, other than <br />towers, 6�� feet ar greater fram any protected resiciential property shall not be gaverned by Seciion <br />'[ 9.47 of this Code. The height af antenna mounting struct�ares irt #he public right-af-way shall be <br />governed by Chapter 17, Article IV of the Cnde rather than by Section 19.47. <br />(2) Exceptions - ihe requirernents of 5ection i 9.�7 of this Code shalE apply ta aI( structures and <br />de�eia�ments otherwise permi�ied under this Code except: <br />(A} planned develapments, when approved as part of a preliminary and final development plan <br />purst�ant to Secfion 19.38.C39 of this Gode. <br />(B) public utility structures, incl�ding but nnt limit�d to water towers, antennas, lights and signals, <br />pawer and telepho�e poles, public safety radin �owers, and poles supporting emergency <br />warning devices. Wl�en a public t�tility structure is extend�d or replaced io accammnrlate the <br />colocation of a commercial wireless teleeort�munication service facility, such extension shall <br />cornply with the requirements of ihis Section. <br />(C} church sanctuaries, steepiss and beli towers. <br />{D) �nulti-c�sec tow�rs may exceed the height limitations of Section 19.47 by �p ta 2A fee#. <br />(E) in accardance with the Federal Carrtmttnications Cornrnission's pre�mptive ruling PRB1, <br />towers erected for the primary purpose of supporting amateur rad�o antennas may exceed 30 <br />fee� irt height pro�ided that a determinatian is tnade by the Pian�ing Manager tha# the <br />propased �ower height is technically necessary to successfully engage in amateur radio <br />comrr�unieations. <br />F Residential chimne s u to 4 feet in width or de th ma exceed the hei ht lirnitatinns af <br />Seetion 19.47 b� tn 2 feet. <br />(e) Nor�campliance - Noncamplianc� af characteristies of structures and siie de�elopment created by the <br />appiicatian af Section '19.47 of this Code shall not in any manner limit ihe legal use of the property, nnr in <br />any rrianner [imit the repair, maintenance, or r�construction af a noncomplying characteristic or feaiure; <br />however, in na insiance shall the degree af rtancamplianee be increased except as otherwise perrr�i�ted by <br />this Code. <br />!fl Grapl�ic l�lustration. <br />�1 Bu�idin �lei ht Limits in the R-'1 R-1A and FZS-1 ,�onin Districts. <br />Page 7 <br />