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(c} <br />�i� <br />�M., .. an+ �+�� ��+� ��e <br />�,z,. <br />r • - - - - - <br />- ' -- - <br />• <br />4 Buitdirt s�ories -#he rsumber of stories shali be cfetert�iined b co�an�in the total numbar q€ abo�e- <br />round habitable floors in the buildin not inciudin walk-o�t basements attics ar under round <br />ar��: <br />�leigh� Limitations - <br />{1) Buildings and Structures Other Than Tow�rs. <br />(A) In ai1 single-family resider�tial zoning disfricts (R-1, R-1A, FtS-1), <br />��p1Y_ I <br />i buildin S t17USt T10E 8XC�8d iW0 3tOt'!�5 Iri h�l ht� <br />ii at the 5 foot sic[e setback line buildin hei ht must nqt exceed 19 feet• <br />� <br />iv be ond the 20 foot side setback [ine buildin hei hf �nust not sxceed 4� feet° <br />v flat rnofed buildin s must nat excead 30 feet in hei ht ai an oint on a site� and <br />vf structures oth�r fhan buiidir� s mus# nat exceed 30 feef in hei ht. <br />(B) In all other zoning districts, the maxirnum �eight of arty building or structure, �xcluding towers, <br />shali be as follows: <br />Distance o€ Building or Structure frarn the Prnperty Lin�s of any <br />Protected Residential Property <br />Maximum Height: <br />(2} Tnwers. <br />(A) <br />(g) <br />E�) <br />t3-30 feet 31-300 f�et <br />2 stories130 ft. 3 stories140 ft. <br />301-6�0 feet aver 60d feet <br />8q ft. no limii <br />In a!I designated residenEia! prqperty th� maximum height of any tower, incl�ding all anter�nas <br />and other a�tachments, shall be 3d feet; <br />In all resider�tiaf zoning districts other than ciesigna#ed resittential prope€ty, fhe maximum <br />heigM of any tower, incl€�d{ng all antennas and ot�er attachments, shali not exceed one foot for <br />eaeh four feet fhs tower is setbacic from d�signated residential proper#y up ta a maxirrtum <br />height of 75 f�et. <br />In all non-resider�tial zaning districts, the maximum heighi of any iower, inciuding all antenr�as <br />anci athar attachments, shaEl not exceed one fooi for each two t'eet the tower is seiback from <br />designated residential properry up to a maximum height nf 75 fe�t in nnn-indus�rial xoning <br />disiricts and 100 fee# in industrial zoning distriets. <br />..- ^ <br />