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T�E �MM NI�S��ON <br />is tr� r•ep�•eser�t t1'ie callecti��e i�xte��ests of �ll inetr•apolit�zsa ��•�n ciiies on <br />n2et�r�politar7 issues a��c� �f.afewid� issues tivitli �a:et�•opoli�an srgr���c,a��ce <br />�BOiT3' Thi�AMtVI <br />The AMM is the anEy rn�trn-wide service and EoE�bying or�snizafion representing citi�s in <br />�he Twin Citi�:s tul�tropolitan Area. OUr merr�bership curr�ntly consi5t5 af 76 �i�ies frorr� <br />all 7 metro counties, th�t rr�ake up more than 85% of th� me�ro area's populati�n. <br />ADIYIIMSxR14TIVE STRUCiURE <br />The AMM is gav�rned by a 19-merr��er Boa�c! �f Direciors ar€ct s�rved by a fourWpersan <br />staff, Board me�'sbership is comprised oi locaf elected and appAinted officials <br />repres�nti�tg each class nf city, �nd �s geagr��hically distribs�ted to r�ff�ct the <br />cnrnposi4ior� af our merr�b�rsf�ip. <br />MAJt11� F'U.NCTIONS <br />7he AMM represents metrQ cifies befare the Metropnlifart Counci! an issues such as <br />com}�rehensi�e land plar�ning, znning, transportatior�, growih, �ousing, was�ewafer and <br />� v+rat�r resaurc�s, an� livable communities. <br />The AMM represents r�etra cities �e�ore ihe C»egislatur� n� trans�ortatian fundin�, <br />econvmic dev�ioprnent, Eiql�51I1f�, LGA ar�� ather state aids, prap�r�y fax�s, tax <br />increment fn�ncin� and other issues wiih metfo and statewide signi�cance. <br />Ti�e AMM provides a�orum for poiicy develapmen�with fc�ur c�mmiftees (Municipal <br />Ftev�nues, Metro Ac��ncies, �fousi�glEconorrtic Development and <br />Transpnr�ationlG�nera) �overnmer�t) campriseef of loca9 officials and siaff that meef <br />annuaify �o d�velap poficies that guide the AMM in its re�resers�afinn of city interests <br />before th� L�gisEature and Met Cour�cil. <br />The AMM prc�vides imp�rtar�t ser�ic�s fo its m�mbership, inc�uding the License anc� <br />�ee Permit Sur�ey, SaEary Survey, ar�d staff suppnrt for fhe Metra Area Managers <br />Association (MAMAj. <br />POLICY DET�LQFIVIENT <br />A vital function ofi the AMM is to provide a forum for poEicy de�eiapm�nt and cor�sensus <br />�uilding tl�at a[lows ci�y off�cials #a deepen their awareness �nd understand�ng of other <br />aornmuniiies, caE(a�oratively probl�trt salve, and d�velop conser�sus �aseci policies. As <br />th� onfy gerteral purpase r€��tro-wi�ie city organizafion, and with memb�rship thaf <br />inciudes ihe aentral cities, inner ring and d�v�ioping su6uri�s �s well �s freestanciing <br />comrr�unities, fh� AMM is �nic�€a�ly suifed for this task. <br />A1VIM RL�'LATI'011'SHXP�' t�l'ITHLIVICA�D MET C'OUIVCIL <br />Whiie the AMM is a�fiiiat�d with ti�e LMC and roufinely caoperate� an important issues, <br />our mission is separate. A key distinction is the AMM's work with ihe Mefropolitan <br />Cnuncil. The AMM, created subs�qu�nt to the Cour��i[, coordina#es with and mor�itors <br />the Co�anc91's wark on a range af i�sues and respands as appropriate to �rotect th� <br />interes#s of rrtetra cities. Although, the Af�M and L.MC work collabarativ�ly ar� a wirie <br />array pf city issues with metro and s#a#evuide impo�ance, iY�ere have been and Iiicely �rvili <br />be issues wh�ee our metro focus wil) cfictate a different ap�rnac�. <br />