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��� �lJ�il� .L ��������.� � <br />AMM Policy Gommittees rneet ann�ally ta devefap AMM palici�s. M�mbership is <br />�pen to rnem�er city afficials and staff. Propased palicies are discussed and <br />debat�d over a�eriad of severaf �nreeks, and �dopted by consensus. C�nce th� <br />�rvork of the poficy cr�mmittees is eompfeie, poEiey r�commer�datians are <br />subrr}i�ted ia the AMt�ll Baard fc�r r�view and macfifcatian. PaEi�ies are then <br />ada�ted by AMM memb�rship prior to each Iegislaiive sessian in Nnvember. <br />A faak at the cotnmittc�s... <br />1VIet� o�olr.tan Age�cie� <br />Th� Metrapvli#an Ag�ncies Comrr�ittee car�siders issues re�ating to fhe <br />Me#ropolFtan Cr�unci[. I� �e�iews fhe �tructure and re�atic�rtship b�tween th�: <br />regional and IncaE units of gavernment, and Met C�uncil development guides, <br />activities and r�qtairements for ci�ie�. 7he Met Agenc�e� Committee has <br />develop�d policies €�ased or� car�prehensive pfan requiremenfs, zonir�g auit�arity, <br />wat�:r managem�nt ar€d s�pply, inflow/ ir�filtrafinn, a�td nafural resa�rce <br />protectian. <br />lt�u�zicipal Revenues <br />Th� Municipa! R�venues Cammifiee cansiders any a€�d a�l matters rela�ir�g to cifiy <br />revenues inc(�ding p�operty taxes, city expenditures, state aid form�alas, levy <br />limits, lirni��d market value and f€scal dispari�ies. Si�ni��ar�f ort-going issues <br />include ievy lirnifis, LGA, Marke� Value Ham�siead Credit and �he state af the <br />statellocal iisc�l relationship. <br />Housi��� arzrl Econo�rxic Developmenf <br />The Nousing and �car�arrjic �e�elapment Cammittee consit�ers issu�s related to <br />economic d�ve6opmen�, reclevelnpment �n� housing, including the areas of <br />eminent domair�, tax increment frtancir�g, and federal, state and city rol�s fvr <br />affordaE�le hausing, iivabfe communiiies, and ecc�r�vmic deve€aprn�nt. <br />Transportation c�nd �e�aeral' GnvernraTerzt <br />The Trans�ortatian a�d General �overnment Cammi�ee fr�nScs af franspori��ion <br />f�n�ing and poficy issues at afl c��vernmer�fi feveis, at�� issu�s having specific <br />impact on mefro area eities, suc� as airpc�rt r�a�e. This commi�ie� �ncour�g�s <br />membership by rrre�b�r� c�f the Transportatiar€ Advisory Board (TAB) a�tci <br />TechnicaE Advisary Car�rni�tee {TACj �s weii as other city officia[s. TF�e <br />cammittee also cnnsiders generaE gave€nment issu�s, incluciing p�nsi€��s, city <br />�nterprise �cfivities, s�aie mandat�s and bui[ding codes. <br />