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City Council Study Session —1�/20/06 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 16 <br />the AUAR andlor Twin Lakes redevelopment and land use <br />issues. <br />When consulted by Mayor Klausing as to the content of <br />future agendas, Mr. Miller advised that all agendas through <br />year-end were already quite full. <br />Mayor Klausing expressed his frustration with the ongoing <br />debate regarding this development; noting that the City <br />didn't own the property and opined his desire to move to a <br />conclusion. Mayor Klausing agreed, and with Council <br />consensus, directed staff to include some time in the next <br />few meetings to provide time for general public comment <br />on this item. <br />Public Works Association of Minnesota Award <br />Mayor Klausing recognized and Mr. Miller announced the award <br />to the City's Public Works Director Duane Schwartz, of the 2006 <br />Public Works Director of the Year by the Public Works <br />Association of Minnesota. Mayor Klausing expressed the City <br />Council's and community's congratulations to Mr. Schwartz for <br />this tremendous accomplishment; and opined that the City was <br />better for this recognition and the service of Mr. Schwartz. <br />�. Consider 2007 Water & Sewer Rates 2007 Water & <br />Interim City Manager and Finance Director Chris Miller Sewer Rates <br />provided a written review and summary, as presented at the <br />previous City Council meeting, related to proposed rate <br />adjustments for 2007 for the City's enterprise funds: Water, <br />Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water Drainage, and Recycling <br />Operations. Mr. Miller reviewed the staff analysis of service <br />inputs including fixed City costs including personnel, supplies, <br />maintenance and depreciation; variable costs including purchase <br />of water from the City of St. Paul, water treatment costs paid to <br />the Metropolitan Council, and recycling contractor costs; capital <br />replacement costs; and current customer base, rates and rate <br />structures. <br />Staffs recommendations for rate adjustments were detailed in <br />the staff report dated November 20, 2006; attached hereto and <br />made a part thereof. <br />