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City Council Study Session —11/�O/Q6 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 18 <br />Future Council Agendas <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested that an additional agenda item <br />be added to the November 27, 2006 meeting to consider <br />proposals from three (3) firms interested in providing <br />environmental legal opinions related to Twin Lakes. <br />9. Councilmember-Initiated Items from the Council Meeting of Counci�mem�ier- <br />November 13,2006 — or Past Council Meetings. Initiated Items <br />9.b Request of Councilmember Ihlan: Update and Council <br />discussion regarding developers' requests for public <br />subsidies andlor use of Eminent Domain for the new <br />Rvtt�u�d proposal. <br />No discussion. <br />9.c Request of Councilmember Ihlan: "I propose that the <br />Council hold a Twin Lakes Summit" where Council <br />and staff can receive public input on the future of <br />Twin Lakes redevelopment — and would like to have <br />Council discussion on this idea. <br />No discussion. <br />10. Adj ourn Adj ourn <br />The meeting was adj ourned at 10:48 p.m. <br />