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Special City Council Meeting —11/28/06 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 4 <br />TALLY 2 <br />Chris Miller (2); Bill Nla�iz�e�. (4); and Amy Filice (4). <br />Council consensus was to remove Mr. Miller from the final <br />selection process at this time, and focus on the top two candidates. <br />Additional discussion was held related to the remaining <br />candidates, with each Councilmember providing their personal <br />perspectives and observations, including: previous City Manager <br />experience; candidate profiles; the interview process and social <br />interaction during the social events; specific qualifications and <br />relevant experience; scope of experience; and current positions <br />held by the final two candidates, Bill Ma�inen (currently City <br />manager in Linwood, WA) and Amy Filice (currently Program <br />Administrator in St. Paul) . <br />Councilmembers discussed and compared individual candidate <br />relevant experience; applicable traits and previous community <br />experience; internal and external review panel observations; <br />similarities of current positions of each and metropolitan, inner <br />ring suburb experience; municipal function experience; related <br />leadership qualities; academic credentials and focus; comparable <br />urban management credentials leadership profiles; communication <br />sl�ills; personal characteristic traits; career development <br />opportunities longevity expectations and benefits to the City; and <br />how the fit with the needs of the City; and expertise in dealing <br />with citizens <br />Kough moved, Maschlca seconded, authorizing extending an offer <br />to Bill Nlalinen, and if refused, to offer the contingent candidate <br />Amy Filice the position of Roseville City Manager. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, while supporting the motion, opined her <br />preference for Ms. Filice as her top candidate. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized and respected Councilmember Ihlan's <br />opinion; however, offered his support of the motion to remain <br />flexible and reach consensus. <br />Roll C all <br />Ayes: Pust; Kough; Maschlca; Ihlan and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />