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Special City Council Meeting —1 U28/06 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 5 <br />Ms. Bacon advised that, while the salaries listed in the application <br />materials were comparable for both candidates, she would <br />confirm that data with their current employers; noting that <br />Councilmembers had expressed their individual preferences as to <br />a salary range, as advertised. <br />Councilmember Pust referenced the written City Attorney <br />Memorandum dated November 27, 2006, entitled, "Open Meeting <br />Law — Individual Contract Negotiations," and opined her support <br />for moving forward to appoint a Council Committee to negotiate <br />the contract with the candidate upon their acceptance of the <br />position in order to malce the best deal for the City. <br />Councilmember Kough attempted to outline his specific contract <br />preferences; however, Mayor Klausing suggested that discussing <br />specifics at this time may be premature. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with Councilmember Pust's <br />suggestions to appoint a subcommittee to negotiate the contract <br />and allow for more flexibility; with the subcommittee returning to <br />the City Counci� with the negotiated contract for full Council <br />approval. <br />Ms. Bacon had prepared a draft resolution for Council <br />consideration authorizing the establishment of a Committee; with <br />City Attorney Anderson having reviewed the resolution, noting <br />that the committee had no authority to bind the City Council, but <br />were authorized to negotiate the contract, contingent upon City <br />Council approval. <br />Councilmember Ihlan clarified that the committee would engage <br />in negotiations for a base line contract; but if areas were <br />encountered that had not been previously agreed upon, they would <br />return to the full City Council for further discussion and <br />consensus. <br />City Attorney further detailed the process recommended in his <br />memorandum; noting that one person on the Committee would <br />talce the responsibility to contact each individual Councilmember <br />