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Special City Council Meeting —11/28/06 <br />DRAFT Minutes ' Page 6 <br />to determine their specific preferences and take that information <br />into the negotiation room with them, with one person organizing <br />for the committee and moving forward to strike the best deal <br />possible for the use of public �`unds. <br />Councilmember Pust opined that, while bottom line information <br />would be provided by each individual Councilmember, if the <br />entire City Council were to negotiate, even without numbers, each <br />item and decision would need to be voted on, setting an odd tenor <br />for the new employee and their knowledge of any internal <br />disagreement among Councilmembers. <br />Council consensus was to authorize a subcommittee, with Mayor <br />Klausing suggesting Councilmembers Pust and Ihlan to serve on <br />the subcommittee; and seeking their interest. <br />Councilmembers Pust and Ihlan each expressed their willingness <br />to serve on such a subcommittee to negotiate a contract. <br />Maschka moved, Kough seconded, adoption of Resolution No. <br />10452 entitled, "Resolution Authorizing the City Council to <br />establish a Committee consisting of Councilmember Pust and <br />Councilmember Ihlan to Negotiate the Best Terms Possible with <br />the Chosen Applicant for City Manager and to Bring the Contract <br />back to the Full Council for Discussion and Approval." <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Pust; Kough; Maschka; Ihlan and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />Adjourn Adjourn <br />The meeting was adj ourned at 5:12 p.m. <br />