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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/27/2009 3:17:25 PM
Creation date
8/27/2009 3:17:23 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 17, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />current assessment policy that would not include assessing for sidewalk construc- <br />tion, but be part of the overall project; and whether that policy needed to be re- <br />evaluated based on available resources in meeting the City's long-term CIP goals. <br />Further discussion included the preferred type of sidewalk or pathway based on <br />MSA and/or federal funding restrictions. <br />Public Comment <br />Tom & Janine Hadlich, 2782 Dale Street N <br />At the request of Councilmember Pust, Ms. Hadlich identified those homes not <br />represented as signatories on the petition, based on their unavailability with re- <br />peated attempts at contact. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Hadlich advised that they would accept a delay in building the <br />sidewalk to coordinate it with road reconstruction, as long as it was anticipated in <br />the more immediate future. Mr. and Mrs. Hadlich noted the changes in the <br />neighborhood with younger families moving in, and smaller children raising addi- <br />tional safety concerns. <br />Mr. Hadlich opined that the City of Roseville needed more pathways, specifically <br />connecting with Central Park, and that it would provide a good benefit to the <br />neighborhood, as well as connectivity and benefit to the entire community. Mr. <br />Hadlich endorsed the City, as a policy, to develop and incorporate more pathways <br />to benefit the overall general health and welfare of the community, as well as in- <br />creasing community relations and interaction, and increasing property values. <br />Ms. Hadlich concurred, opining that the City should provide additional money <br />toward pathways and roadways. <br />Unknown Male Speaker <br />This speaker advised that while he had signed the petition, as a townhome owner, <br />he was concerned about additional costs for snow plowing services of the side- <br />walk; whether there would be a special assessment per housing unit or an entire <br />complex. <br />Mayor Klausing advised that, if the City proceeded with the road construction <br />project, there would be no sidewalk assessment for property owners, given the <br />current assessment policy. Mayor Klausing further noted that property owners <br />were not assessed for sidewalk maintenance costs. <br />City Attorney Anderson advised that, while not having researched the question <br />completely, his opinion would be that the entire property was assessed, not indi- <br />vidual units, such as in a townhome complex; with the Association probably di- <br />viding the assessment among units at their discretion; but with the City assessing <br />by parcel, based on their assessment policy calculations. <br />
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