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Roseville Human Rights Commission <br />Meeting Minutes -August 11, 2009 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />1 Member Grefenberg provided the original ordinance staff report provided to the City <br />2 Council when the revised ordinance language was adopted, based on recommendation of <br />3 the HRC at their Apri12009 meeting. Member Grefenberg said Member Yates followed. <br />4 the intent of the City Council, based on the language provided. <br />5 <br />6 Member Kennedy moved, Member Grefenberg seconded, amendment of the Strategic <br />7 Plan by deleting the "Police-Civilian Review Commission" section of the. Strategic Plan, <br />8 and replacing that point as follows: <br />9 Fostering community through inclusive, welcoming, responsive neighborhoods <br />10 and city government <br />11 A) Develop a process to assess city government activities, programs and services for <br />12 accessibility so that city activities, programs and services may be understandable <br />13 and responsive to a diverse citizenry. <br />14 B) Develop a process to monitor statistical and other data trends. Use the <br />15 information to create a set of recommendations for the City Council. The purpose <br />16 of the set of recommendations is to encourage mutual understanding among our <br />17 citizens about the community's diversity. <br />18 C) Develop programs and recommendations for the Council to encourage and assist <br />19 in the development of neighborhood groups, forums, and networks in order to <br />20 provide residents with a sense of belonging and facilitate effective citizen <br />21 engagement. <br />22 <br />23 Motion carried. Chair Singleton thanked Members Yates and Grefenberg for their work. <br />24 <br />25 Ms. Curti said she would revise the HRC Strategic Plan and distribute to members. <br />26 <br />27 Member Yates noted that the Strategic Plan served as a guide document for the HRC and <br />28 subject to revision as indicated. <br />29 <br />30 Chair Singleton had been unable to meet with City Manager Malinen regarding <br />31 reorganization and training for the HRC. He would schedule a meeting in the near future. <br />32 <br />33 Discussion among Members included timing for training; receipt of a $1,500 grant from <br />34 the Minnesota Department of Human Rights with training options, along with <br />35 recommended trainers and whether the proposed trainer was the best choice for the <br />36 training; <br />37 <br />38 Members requested that Ms. Curti research other community HRCs that have used this <br />39 trainer and obtain other references that may be available. <br />40 <br />41 Chair Singleton suggested scheduling training at their September meeting, possibly with <br />42 a longer meeting, to ensure new commissioners are provided with orientation, procedure, <br />43 and other items as they had previously requested. <br />44 <br />