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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/8/2014 2:07:28 PM
Creation date
9/14/2009 9:59:09 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Agenda/Packets
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����� � <br />Trash Receptacles <br />o Transtop would provide a trash receptacle at each shelter location. <br />o It has been our experience that whether you have a trash receptacle or not, trash is <br />thrown on the ground, and we also remove that trash. <br />Maintenance <br />o Transtop would provide maintenance and trash pickup a minimum of once a week <br />or on an as needed basis based on specific site needs up to twice per week, just as <br />Rosevillemaintains its own shelters on that schedule. Not every shelterrequires <br />maintenance twice per week, but that would be up to your discretion as Public <br />Works Director. <br />Shelter Design <br />c� Having been in the transit shelter advertising business for 25 years, it has been our <br />experience that standardized parts are very important in responding to <br />maintenance and repairs. If a shelter is damaged, e.g. hit by a car as happens in <br />Minnesota winters, we want to repair that shelter as quickly as possible. We have <br />weighed these considerations against more unique designs and special roofs, <br />where special parts have to be ordered causing delays in repairs. <br />c� Based on our experience, Transtop offers two shelter designs — one for regular <br />sidewalk width and one for narrow sidewalks, which have held up extremely well <br />in our "theater of weather seasons" in Minnesota. <br />�� Transtop is certainlyhappy to discuss customizing our shelters. Examples of <br />customization may include paint color or putting the Roseville logo on the end <br />cap of the roof as seen below. <br />Franchise Fees <br />o After a lot of consideration, Transtop would like to offer the City Council two <br />options for franchise fees, since this is an important element of the bus shelter <br />advertising program. <br />■ Transtop is willing to pay the City of Roseville a straight 9% on the gross <br />revenues collected as defined in Chapter 1207 of the Roseville City Code, <br />Or a graduated franchise fee based on the following: <br />■ 8% on gross revenues collected from $0 to $85,000 <br />9% on gross revenues collected from $85,000 to $110,000 <br />10% on gross revenues collected over $110,000 <br />As you know, we have only been a part of this long process for a short time, but as a <br />public/private partnership, Transtop is certainlywilling to share success with the City. The better <br />Transtop does, the better the City will do. <br />(952) 854-1900 6 800-854-1922 6 Fax (952) 854-8303 <br />Riverview �ce Tower cr 8009 34�'� Avenue South 6 Suite ���� a Minneapolis, MN 55425 <br />
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