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City Council Regular Meeting — 02/28/05 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 8 <br />4.c Approve a Custodial Services Contract (former Custodial Services <br />Consent Item 3.f� Contract <br />City Manager Beets briefly reviewed the Request for <br />Council Action; background and discussion of the bid <br />process and receipt of bids. <br />Councilmember Kough spoke in support of a union <br />custodian position; rather than contractual labor for <br />custodial services; expressing his concern that the amount <br />of the bid came in over the estimated projections. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that this was repetitive of the 2005 <br />budget discussions, but noted that the City Council had <br />given staff direction to proceed with bids for contractual <br />custodial services; and noted the savings still to be realized <br />over paid employee positions. <br />Councilmember Ihlan concurred with Councilmember <br />Kough's comments, opining that there were distinct <br />advantages to hiring employees, rather than contracting for <br />services. Councilmember Ihlan questioned staff on the <br />projected savings; and the language related to Marsden <br />providing service each and every business day. <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz clarified that the <br />actual hours were on regular business days; noting that the <br />bids were higher due to the operation of the skating center <br />seven days per week to service events; creating demand <br />during premium hours, which was different from that <br />provided in the past. <br />Discussion included the term of the bids of two years, <br />rather than one year; staff involvement with site <br />supervision, and scope of the required services. <br />City Attorney Anderson opined that, if the City Council <br />chose to revise the bid from two years to one year, they <br />may need to rebid on a one year contract. <br />Councilmember Schroeder opined that the bid process <br />appeared to be fair and reasonable, and spoke in support of <br />