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i: <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />Pro�er Enclosure. Addin� these details to the definition "�ro�er <br />enclosure": <br />5 ��� Shall include adequate food and water for the animal. <br />6 ��� Have a minimum overall floor size of thirty-two (32) square <br />7 -- fe2t. <br />8 ��� Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet and be <br />9 constructed of 11-gauge or heavier wire. O�enings in fih� <br />10 wire shall not exceed two (2) inches, su�ort �osts shall be <br />11 one and one-quarter-inch or lar�er steel pipe buried in the <br />12 �round ei�hteen (18) inches or more. When a concrete floor <br />13 is not �rovided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of <br />14 ei�hteen inches in the r.°� ound. <br />15 �41 A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The <br />16 cover shall be constructed of the same �au�e wire or heavier <br />17 as the sidewalls and shall also have no o�enin�s in the wire <br />18 �reater than two (2) inches. <br />19 � S I An entrancelexi� �ate shall be provided and be constructed of <br />20 the same material as the sidewalls and shall also have no <br />21 openings in the wire greater than two (2) inches. The gate <br />22 shall be ec�ui�ed with a device ca�able of bein� locked and <br />23 shall be locked at all times when the animal is in the pen or <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />kennel. <br />C.. Re�istration. A�lications to re�ister a dan�erous animal shall <br />include a $500 Citv fee. <br />D. Re�ulation of Dan�erous Animals. Shall include in addition: <br />�� 1 When outside its proper enclosure, the dangerous animal shall <br />be on a substantial chain or leash that does not exceed six feet <br />34 in len�th and shall be under the control of an adult. <br />35 ��� The renewal of registration for a dangerous animal shall <br />36 � include �roof of currentrabies vaccinations. <br />37 <br />38 E. Determination of Status. In Roseville. whether an animal is <br />39 "dan�erous" or "�otentiallv dan�erous" as those terms are defined in state law <br />40 shall be determined by the Chief of Police or his or her designee in consultation <br />41 with the Citv Attornev. The owner and persons that have suffered injury or <br />42 dama�e due to the animal shall be �iven written notice of the determination. <br />43 <br />2 <br />