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City Council Regular Meeting— OS/23/OS <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 12 <br />Discussion included the costs incurred and payable through <br />the TIF Increment Fund; and varying interpretations of the <br />responsible party and timing of payments. <br />City Attorney Anderson addressed the costs incurred, as <br />per contract �ern�s, that the developer would be paying, and <br />the differentiation between a contract and application. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support of the motion; opining <br />that the expenses incurred to-date were pursuant to the <br />Exclusive Negotiating Agreement entered into between the <br />City and Rottlund Homes; and that the work was requested <br />of �rass Monroe by the City Council to allow more <br />informed decision-making and to determine financial <br />implications to best protect the City of Roseville, and prior <br />to drafting the term sheet and further consideration of the <br />proj ect. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to the motion; <br />questioning the legal authority the City has to disregard the <br />TIF policy; reiterating her interpretation of the terms and <br />specifications of the TIF Policy; and opining that Rottlund <br />Homes should pay all consulting costs to-date. <br />Roll C all <br />Ayes: Maschka; Schroeder and Klausing. <br />Nays: Kough and Ihlan. <br />4.b Authorize Staff to Negotiate and Execute an Appraisal <br />Services Contract for Twin Lakes (former Consent Item <br />3.k) <br />City Manager Beets reviewed the request to solicit <br />appraisal services to allow the City and developer to <br />determine estimated market values of remaining properties <br />to be purchased within the project area. Mr. Beets noted <br />that Rottlund Homes and City staff has agreed to jointly <br />select an independent appraiser to provide an initial <br />assessment of the properties; but to also represent the City <br />should condemnation proceedings take place with the <br />developer agreeing to pay 100% of the costs of such <br />appraisal services. <br />Appraisal Services <br />Contract for Twin <br />Lakes <br />