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City Council Regular Meeting — OS/23/OS <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 13 <br />Maschka moved, Schroeder seconded, authorizing staff to <br />negotiate and enter into a contract, subject to review by the <br />City Attorney, with an appraiser to determine the market <br />values of properties within the Twin Lakes Redevelopment <br />Area; with the understanding that Rottlund homes will pay <br />for 100% of all costs; and authorized the Mayor and City <br />Manager to execute the necessary documents. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to the motion; <br />opining that such an agreement was premature, and would <br />lead to undesirable condemnation procedures; and f,urther <br />opining that the City Council had yet to have a fiul� policy <br />discussion regarding Eminent Domain and condemnation, <br />and the pending outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court at this <br />time. <br />City Manager Beets opined that the City and developer had <br />gone as far in the process as possible without an <br />independent appraiser and recommended approval. Mr. <br />Beets noted that past Council discussion had expressed <br />concerns that the developer had not acquired sufficient <br />property; and in doing so, the developer was attempting to <br />provide a fair and reasonable amount, not a windfall, for <br />property owners, and an independent appraiser would be <br />able to evaluate properties without prejudice. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support of the motion; noting that <br />with Rottlund Homes paying 100% of the costs for <br />appraisal services, it would appear in everyone's best <br />interest. <br />Councilmember Kough sought clarification that the <br />appraisals were for Phase I only of the project. City <br />Manager Beets confirmed they were for Phase I. <br />Councilmember Schroeder spoke in support of the motion; <br />opining the developer paying for, but the City controlling <br />the appraiser's contract, made sense. <br />Further discussion included status of preliminary <br />