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ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />Meeting #� S��n�nary of Skating Center Task Force meeting 3/17/2005 <br />Members excused for evening: Jeff Johnson, and Mark Kamrath, all other members <br />present. <br />Jake opened the meeting by mentioning the petition on the web written by the president <br />of Midway Speedskating Club, petition now has over 800 signatures from all over the <br />world. It was also mentioned that our state legislators are paying attention to who is <br />signing this petition and may be willing to offer support to additions to thc bonding bill to <br />cover the cost of OVAL repair. <br />Jake also updated the task force on the 3/14 City Council meeting and their decision to <br />table any action on the engineering assessment until the 3/21 work study session since <br />council member Tom Kough was absent. At Tom Kough's request a representative from <br />a second engineering firm, BEM, presented their proposal for the engineering assessment <br />and information on applying for rebates from Excel Energy for the assessment. Lonnie <br />reported that he hacl been made aware of the rebate potential and that city staff were <br />already working on applying for the rebate- it is not certain at this point how much we <br />may get back from Excel for the assessment. Scott Nelson will attend the 3/21 City <br />Council work session and update the council on the work the task force has completed <br />and also reiterate our desire to have the engineering assessment done in order to help our <br />understanding of the OVAL situation. <br />Leslie Berry presented information from the Roseville Visitors Association showing that <br />the economic impact to the city of Roseville from the Jr. World Speedskating <br />Championship held at the OVAL in Feb. of 2004 was $290,000.00. More than 600 hotel <br />rooms in the city were used for this event. Nancy Nelson mentioned that we have lost the <br />right to host the U-15 World Bandy Championships in January of20�6 but are still being <br />considered for Women's World Bandy Championships in Feb. 2006. <br />Lonnie Brokke informed the task force that the Park and Recreation web page will post <br />notes from and agendas for the task force meetings. A mailbox will also be set up at the <br />web site to gather suggestions from the community and entries into this mailbox will be <br />distributed to all task force members. Lori Larson asked how input from the community <br />and user groups should be addressed. Lonnie and Jake replied that any inputl suggestions <br />we, as task force members, receive from members ofthe community and user groups <br />should be brought up at task force meetings, we will also address the input from the web <br />site mailbox at meetings, and reminded us to keep soliciting input from members of our <br />user groups, these suggestions will help determine agenda and tl�ernes for upcoming task <br />force meetings. <br />Chris Miller, finance director for the city of Roseville, revised the information he had <br />— gathered for the task force. This information is in three sections: the initial OVAL <br />feasibility study; the OVAL financial operations for 1994 and 1995 when finances were <br />— tracked separately form the arena; and the 2002-2003 Skating Center financial operations. <br />Chris also included final comments. In the feasibility study for the OVAL it was noted <br />ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />