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ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />8. could we get state support for the facility — increased taxes? — asa side note it was <br />pointed out that homestead credit and local government aid had been cut by <br />$700,000 in the past few years, this was money that had been in place since the <br />1960s but started to disappear in the 90s and not likely to return to our local <br />budget. <br />9. what is the breakdown of use by the "user groups" — speedskating, bandy, hockey <br />and departmental (park and rec.) both financially and in terms of the number of <br />participants and demographics of the participants. <br />10. it was noted that 3 of the existing speedskating ovals in the U.S. are now domed <br />facilities —would there be an advantage to putting a dome over the OVAL? do <br />we have financial information from the West Allis rink before and after <br />"doming"? <br />It was noted that answers to these questions (and many more that will probably arise) will <br />help in determining long term operations for the facility the short term problem o f not <br />having a working facility confuses many of the questions and issues and that it would be <br />helpful to have more specific information on the costs to correct the problem ofthe <br />broken OVAL chiller. <br />The task force made a recommendation that the City Council approve the request for <br />$28,500 to obtain the engineering assessment requested by Lonnie Brokke so we can <br />address both short term and long term questions pertaining to the Skating Center. <br />The questions brought up at this meeting also helped set the agenda for the next meeting. <br />It was decided that we would focus on 1. finances and 2. how the OVAL is used. Before <br />the next meeting Scott, Jake, Lonnie and Brad would meet with Chris Miller to determine <br />what financial information would b�st serve to help the group understand the issues and <br />present that information. Also, the user groups will give presentations on how they use <br />the OVAL. <br />Our next meeting was set for Thursday, March 1��' at the Skating Center — room to be <br />determined. <br />Before adjourning for the evening Dick Houck, a community member asked to speak and <br />stated that as a long term resident of the city he recalls that when the OVAL was built <br />residents were promised that it would be self— sufficient and we wouldn't need to <br />subsidize its operation, as a senior citizen he is opposed to continued subsidy to the <br />facility. He was reminded that this is a community facility and meeting rooms and other <br />areas of the facility are used by the entire community, which again prompted the question <br />if the residents of the city expect the Skating Center to be revenue neutral or is it <br />appropriate to subsidize some of our city operations? <br />ATTACHMENT 15 <br />Task Force Meeting Minutes <br />