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Oval Task Force Final Report <br />i�. Introduction <br />� January 20tih, 2005 - Roseville City Council approved the creation of the Oval Task Force to <br />address the long term financial viability of the Oval. See Attachment 1 for Task Force Charter <br />froi� City Council <br />• Task Force to be focused on xh� financial viability; a separate "Technical Task Force" was <br />created to assess and recommend approaches for addressing current technical issues and long <br />term technical assessments <br />• The Task Force is a volunteer group, consisting of 18 members. See Attachment 2 for member <br />roster <br />� The Task Force first met March 3rc�, 2005 <br />o Original meeting schedule: every ���`' Thursday 6;3� -� $;30 PM <br />� Upon City Council direction in its May 9th meeting, the Task Force adjusted its schedule and <br />content to meet the deadline of turning in its final report on June 20th, to coincide with the <br />Council's decision on whether to proceed with Oval repairs. See Attachment 3 for Task Force <br />Schedule <br />o New meeting schedule: Every Thursday 6:3U — 9:QQ+ PM <br />• To meet objective of delivering the final report June 20th, the Task Force dropped three major <br />items originally planned: <br />� Opportunity Costs — how could the space/facilities be used differently? <br />• Brainstorm Sessions —what are all the ways the facilities could be leveraged? <br />• Public Hearings — time completely devoted to soliciting public input <br />• This report serves as the Task Force's final deliverable <br />IT�. Task Force Communication <br />• The Task Force had city staff serve Public Notice of when and where it would meet. <br />• Public was invited to attend, and room was made for comment if public participants elected to do <br />so <br />• City staff created a web presence on its web site for the Task Force to house its documents and <br />make available to the public <br />� City staff created a group email box for the Task Force, ovaltaskfarce(c�.ci.rosevill�, for <br />receiving public input <br />• Members, especially those representing Oval user groups, were encouraged and expected to <br />share Task Force information with their respective groups, providing two-way communication <br />and feedback <br />• Task Force Presentations to City Council: <br />o March 21 —Recommendation to pursue "Engineering Study" by Stevens Engineering <br />o May 9— Task Force Status Update <br />o May 23 — Review of Task Force Report Outline <br />o June 13 — lst Reading of Final Report Draft <br />o June 20 — Presentation of Final Report <br />Two Presentations were made to outside groups: <br />o Roseville Citizens League, April 20th <br />o Roseville Visitors Association (RVA), May t�'�' <br />Oval Task Force Final Report Page 6 of 29 <br />