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REQUEST FOR COUNCI� ACTION <br />DATE: 07/11/05 <br />ITEM NQ: 3.g <br />�epartme�t Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />s� � �� d �� ..�-- Consent <br />Item Descrip�ion: Acceptance of Minnesota Department of Nafural Reso�rces <br />Shorefand Habitat Program far a por�ion of Bennett Lake shoreline. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The Minnesota Department of Natural Resaurces ir�itiated a program in 1999 to <br />assist local agencies in their attempts to better manage natural resources and to <br />coordinate efforts tf�roughout tFte metro area. <br />In 2400, wiih th� assistance of a Metro Greenways Planning Grant, fhe City of <br />Roseville cand�acted nat�ral resource inven�ories and created management plans <br />for five parks. The resulting Nafiurai Resource Management Plan identified <br />shoreland areas at Benn�tt Lake as a tap priority. Staff and local planners who <br />have expertise in this area {BRA) hav� continu�d to search out funding <br />opportuniiies to continue to address Natural Resource Restoration in a�rr Park <br />Sysfem. <br />The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has r�cently awarded the City of <br />Rosevi[le a grant fnr up ta $9,150 �or a Shore(and Habitat Program restoration � <br />project at Bennett Lake through remo�al nf nannative in�asive species, and � <br />repEant�ng wiih native pEant material. The grant application and the agreement is � <br />attached. <br />POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />The attached propasal is consistent witE� the poEiey of leveraging other public and <br />private resources fo obtain funding to offset the costs af Natural Resourc� <br />Management. It is also consistent with the Roseviile Parks and Recreation System <br />Pian and the City's efFo�s as outlin�d in the Vis�a 2000 goals to impro�e our <br />environment tF�rough tl�e protection ar�d impro�ement of our natural resources. ]t is <br />also cansistent with a�r efforts to pariner wi�h other agencies. <br />FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS <br />Tl�e City mtast provide mafching funds of $1,000 cash and matchin� in-kind of <br />$4,750 if the gran� were approved and accepted. The $1,0�0 wauld be proposed ta <br />be taken from the 2005 Park Improvement Program (PIP) for this item. <br />