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STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the Parks and Recreation System Plan , the �atural resaurce <br />management repart findings and recommendations, th� numerous naturai resource <br />issues identified by citizens in �he last several years, and the opportunity to <br />accom�lish th�se goal by leveraging the additiona[ funding #rom the State o� <br />Minnesota, staff recommends that the City accep� ihe grant from the Minnesota <br />Department of Nat�ral Resources Shoreland Habitat Program for $9,150 for <br />shoreland restoration acti�ities afi Bennet� Lake. <br />COUNCIL ACTION REQIJ�ST�D <br />Motion authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the Minnesota Department of <br />Naturaf Resources (Shareland Habitat Program) for up to $9,150 for shoreland <br />restoration activities at Bennett Lake. <br />