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City of Rose>>ilJe — 6ennelt Lake Shorelrne l:esfa�ation 2003 A.IN IJNR Shorelirae Habitat Gra��t ,-'1��plicaliaJ� <br />V. Plant List: <br />NOTE: Specifie nunzbers of indivi�ival pla�zt species are �aot givera below. We propose ro plarit <br />a ntix af approxi�nately SO% grasses/sedges a��d SO% forbs, m�d tlaat indrvidual species mrry be <br />selected based on seaso►tal availa6ility urzd prr�e i�z spri�rg 2005. B�sed o�z our past <br />experience, we a�tticipate tlre cost of iJZdi��idual plat�ts to be approximately $2-5 each, <br />dependi�zg ar� stock size. <br />Upland Zone, Draft Seeding L'rst <br />S�ecies common ��aine aillount* <br />^ forbs <br />�gastache fver�rcirla��n A��ise hysso� TBD* <br />�ste�^ oolentangierzsis Sl�y bhie aster TI3D <br />Dalecr cancJidcc White prairie c[avea- TBD <br />Dale pa���urea Purple �rairie clo��er TBD <br />Heli��sis helianthaides False su�3flower TBD <br />Manut°da frstulvsa Bergai��ot TBD <br />Pycnantlaenzirn� virginia���rn� Virgi»ia mountai�l mii�t TBD <br />Ratibida pinnata YelEow conefiower TBD <br />Rudl�eckia hil�ta Black-eyed s��san TBD <br />Solzdago rr.'gida Stiff go(denrod TBD <br />Solidago speciosa Showy golden�•od TBD <br />T�etronicastrur�a vi�ginicunz Culver's root TBD <br />`.7.izia aptel^a I teartleaf alexanders TB:D <br />Forb Su�total: �ni��i�lluin 16 oz. <br />grasses <br />And��npogon gel^a�°dii Big bluestem T13D <br />l3outelvurr cur^tr�enclula S[deoats grat��a TBD <br />I3�°ontus kalnaii Prairie brome TBD <br />Ely�a�us canades�sis Canada wildrye TBD <br />Sot°ghast�°z�taz nutmzs India�l g�•ass "I'BD <br />Grass Subtotai: miniinu�l� 4 lbs <br />�exact crnro�rizts fo�� each species are f�ot prorided Iaer�e becarrse s•eed foF• some specres irray be i.rt�anailable or� <br />zr��zrsa�ally laigla-priced ira a parliczsla�- yeur. YYe �+�ould like ta �i�a•k 3s�itl7ilz tlae s•pecies Iist above to arr�ri>e at tl�e �rlost <br />cost-e fecllve rrlix lhai provides 1he gr•eatest dii�ersily, coloi•, and I7abiiai ralue. <br />DRAFT otted <br />Commo� Name <br />U land Zane <br />Butierfly miikweed <br />5i�ooth blue aster <br />Bluestetn, big <br />New Ba�gland aster <br />Canada Mayflower <br />No�-thern l�edstraw <br />Prai�•ie Blazingstar <br />Prairie dropseed <br />schedule* <br />Botanical Name <br />�scleplas tuberrosa <br />.<�s�eJ° lae��is <br />,4��dr•opogola gernrdi <br />,4stei- i�oti�ae-a�7,�Iiae <br />,��aen�oF�e Car�adei�srs <br />Galiur��r boreale <br />Lzcrlris p��cnoslach}�a <br /> l�eter•olepis <br />QTY <br />TI�D <br />TBD <br />Sonrcc <br />Hild & Associates or Lat�dsca�e Altea'natives <br />1�i[d & Associafes ar L.a�idscape Alten3atives <br />TBD Hiid & Associates or Landscape Alternatives <br />TBD Hild & Associates o�� Landscape Alternatives <br />IBD Hild & Associates or Landscape A[tea•n�tives <br />TBD i�ild & Associates or Landscape Alternatives <br />TT3D Hild & Associates or Landscape Altez��iatives <br />TBU Hild & Assoc€ates or Landscape Alternatives <br />