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City ofl�ns•erille ��- Bet�r�eftLake Slroreline Restor-crtio�� �003 A�D11TR ShnF•eliFZe Hahilul Grar7t.l�plicatia� <br />Common Namc Botanic�l Name QTY Source <br />Meadow blazin�star Lialrrs Irgzrlist��lrs TBS Hild & Associates ar Landscape Alternatives <br />Goiden Alexander 7i�ra aa.n-en � 1 BD Hild & Associates or Landscape Alternatives <br />Sub �'otal ��Iiviiiatrtrt of Mlilf71711i71 � S�J0C12S <br />1.50 <br />Ti'�i151t1Oi1 ZOIie <br />Ca€•diiia] Plower Lobellra car�dnalis TI3i� Hild & Associates ar Landscape Alternatives <br />13oneset E���atorrmra perfolia�zrru 1'BD Hild & Associates or J,andscape Alterciatives <br />Jae-pye weed E1�palorrurrr »racarlatrrni TBD Hild & Associates or Landscape Altert�atives <br />Grcat blue lobelia Lobelia si,�hililica TBD Hild & Associates or Landscap� Alter��atives <br />Blue vervaiti J%e�•bey7a has•tala TBD Hild & Assaciates or Landscape Alter��atives <br />Irouweed 1%er•ot7ia fascicirlata T13D Hild & Associates or Landscape Alter��atives <br />Sweet flag .�cor•us calarrrus TBD Hild & flssociates or Landscape Altern�tives <br />Golde« Alexander's Zi-ea aErr•ea 113D Hi[d & Associates or Landscape Alternatives <br />Stieezeweed Fleler�irrrrr auta�n�t�ale TBD Hild & Associafes or �attdscape Alter�iatives <br />Gree�t ��Ir�ESI� .�crrpus at�°ouir°er�s TBD Hild & AssociaEes or Landscape Alternatives <br />Prairie cord grass Spar�lr��a pectinata Tf3D Hild & Associaies or Landscape Alter��atives <br />Marsh �nilkwecd �sclepias ir�car��ata TE3D Hild & AssaciaEes or Landscapc Alter��atives <br />Biue-flag iris I7•is rirgi�7iccr/shr�ei�ii 7"BI] f-3ild & Associates or I,andscape Altea•c�atives <br />Sottlebr�sh sedge Car°ex corirosa TBI? Hi[d & Assaciates or I,andscape Alter€�atives <br />Moi��:ey flower r1�r+��zsl2rs �•i,agens 1 BU f Ii[d & Assaciates oi- La�idscape Alier�iatives <br />Dark green bulrusi� Scirptrs alrovirei�s T13D Hild & A,ssociates or Landscape Alcernatives <br />Sub Total rvtii�irrrarra�r qf �'vlini�nu�n 10 species <br />35(1 <br />A uaiic Zone <br />Soft-stem b�ilr€�sh Scrrpars rallidars TI3D �[i[d & Associates or Landscape Alterslafives <br />Arrow l�ead Sc�gitar°ia latifalia T13D lIi[d & Associates or La��dscape Altersiati�es <br />Picfcerel Pla€�t Prn,leclr�rfa cor�da�a 7"BD 1-(iid & Associates or Laa�dsca�e Alter3�atives <br />S�b Totai �14i��iirrznri nf <br />250 <br />T�TAL L,FVE Minimum of Mii�imum of 3 spccies <br />PLAN'FS 750 <br />*13y-s�ecie.s »ser�aGers o� potted �lar7ts ar°e rrot p7°ovided l�er°e becazrse ��lz.rgs of sorrre species �ria,y 6e arraai1ailal�le or <br />uf�z��sar�Ily Jaigh-�1�rced iiz a��y girer� }-ear-. T�iie �t�o:rld like !o ti�voi•k ��rithi�� t1�e species lzst crbm�e 10 arri��e ad 11ae nlosf <br />cost-effectii�e mix thal prouides tJ�e greatesi c�%rersity, colar, c���d habitat >>alue <br />VI. Project Site Design: <br />The upland portion ot tlle site will be �repared by treating the existiz�g tu�-fw�tl� a z�o��-speeific <br />contact herbicide (e.g. RouE�dup). �ollowiz�g he�-bzcicle applicatio��, tl�e ��p1aF�d area wiil be <br />planted to a forb-heavy seed mix that will be s��pple�neaated with a�1�ir�imu�n qf 2501ive pl�rgs. <br />ForE� seed total for tl�e up[aazd az-ea wil I exceed 16 auiices and native grass seed total will e:�ceed <br />4 pou��ds. <br />