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Cir�� of Roseril(e — Be�7j7ett Lake ShoT°eline Resrorarios� 2003 ,hIN DNR Slioi•eli»e HaBr�at Grcr�at .4�,�licalioil <br />TE�e transition zone at� tlie east side ofthe sitc c��rre��tly sup�orts some native vegetatio��, <br />a]fhntigh thc�-e ace few s�ecies ��°ese��t. As a result, tile tra�lsitioi-� zone will rec��ire little or zlo <br />sitc preparation witli tf�e additio�� of na.tivc pl�gs as the priinary u�eans of p[a��ti��g here. The <br />transitio�l zone on tl�e �loril� sic€e of tE�e site cu�°rently (�as sn�1�e sl�orelia�e erosion that will need to <br />be corrected by �ising a coconut fibea� 61ai�1<et to stabi[ize t[�e soil, as well as perliaps so�ile mi�iort• <br />slope resE3apiiig. O��ce tlle caco«ut iibez- blaa�ket is i�i place, li�e p[ugs will be �a�stalled. <br />Illusli°ation of c�esig�� layout: <br />Trail <br />� � �1U teet avg. � ransi�ia�� zo�se <br />No scale <br />�I5 feet avg. Upla��d zone <br />� <br />Traditio�tal h�z�f area <br />Total lengtla of slaorelrne proposed for restoratio�z �250 ft. <br />VI�. Maintenaz�ce Pla�: <br />Trail <br />Aftei° installatio�� of plant ��iater�als, az�d du�•in� the estavlisl��nent period, city parlcs crews will <br />water o�� an as-neecled basis, spotanow if weed problems develop. The etn�t°gc�tt vegetation <br />zo�3e will be pla�lted witl3 live plugs af local ecoty�e. TE�e city i��te��ds to protect at-risk �la��ts <br />