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STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />GRANT CONTRACT <br />This grant co��tract is between the Sfiate of Minnesota, acti��g through its Departmen# of Naturai Resources ("State") and <br />City af Roseviile, through Jeff Evenson, Park Proj ect Coordia}ator, 2660 Civic Centear Drive, RoseviIle, MN 55 i 13 <br />("Graniee"). <br />Recitals <br />1. Ui3der Minn. Stat. ' 97A,04S tl�e State is empawered to do all things necessaiy to preserve, protect and <br />propagate desirable species af animals and fish. <br />2, The State, pursua�lt to Chapter 401, Section 4, �stablished ai� Aquatic Plaz�t Restoa�atio�� Pragram. As pa�-t of <br />this program tlle State is in z�eed of partners and cooperators ta restore sl�oreland habitat ii� ways that <br />den�oaastarate good s�ioreiand stewardship. <br />3. Tl�e Grantee represents that it is duly qualified azld agrees to perfor�i� aIl services descrihed i�� this grant <br />contraci to t�le satisfaetion oi the State. <br />Grant Contract <br />Term of Grant Caz�tract <br />1.I Effective date: 7uly I, 2004 or the date t1�e State obtains all required si�latures uilder Mi��esota Sta#utes Section <br />16C.05, subdivision 2, whichever is later. <br />Tlie Grantee a�z�ust not �egin wark under tl�is grant cantract until this coniract is fully executed and tl�e <br />Grantee has been noti�ed by t�e State=s Authorized Representative to begin the work. <br />1.2 Expif•aiio�z date: June 30, 2006, or until alI obligations have been satisfactoriIy fulfilled, whichever occurs <br />rirsf. <br />1.3 Survival vf Terms. The �'ollowing clauses survive tihe expiratioil or canecilation of this grant eorstract: 8. LiaUility; <br />9. 5ta#e Audits; 10. Govenunent Data Practices and �ntellcctual Property; I3. �'�zblicity and Endorsement; 14. <br />Govei7zing Law, Turisdiction, and Venue; and I� Data Disclosure. <br />2 Grantee-s Duties <br />The Grantee, who is not a state empIoyee, will: <br />- Direct tl�e nverall project <br />- Coordinate with partners <br />- Design the project and order the plant za�ate�-ials <br />- Recruit, train and s�pervise volunteers <br />- Guide/assisC with site preparatian, plant instaIlation, site maintenance a��d lozag tez7m praject rnonitoring <br />- Assist with the excavation, grading, and sail placement <br />- Caordinatc volunteers to assist with planting of tlae site <br />- Create maintenance �1lanual using DNR template and perfon�� lo�lg�tcm� aliaii�te�lance at the sife <br />- Provide status reports when reimburseineiit is requested. <br />- Provide coa�apletion report on fhe project. <br />- P1ant native vegetation seiected fronl approved plant Iist (see Exhibit D} aIang shoreline af Long Lake in <br />areas hig�lighled in attached diagram (E�iibit A) <br />3 Time <br />The Grantee nlust comply with a11 tke time requirements described i�l this gra��t coz�tract. <br />4 Coa�siderati�rn and Payment <br />Grant Agrccme�t 011304 <br />