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4.1 Cor2sideratio�z. The State will pay for all services perfoz-it�ed by the Gra�ltee under this gra�it co��tract as follows: <br />(1) Cor,Tpertsatian. T The Grantee will be paid according to the breakdown of costs cantained in Exhibit B, <br />whicl3 is attached and incaaporated into this gra�it co�ihact. In o��der ta sectire state funding, tl�e Grantee l�as <br />agreed ta ���afich these funds with $1,000 casi� a�zd $4,750 in-kind services. <br />(2} Total Obiigation. The tatal ot�tigation of tl�e Stafe for ali caanpea�sation a�ic3 reunbursecnents ta the Grantee under t.his <br />grant eontract wili not exceed $ 9,154. <br />4,2. Payraient <br />{ I} I�ivoiees. The State will prompfly pay the Grantee afte�� the Grantee prese��ts an itemized invoice for the <br />seivices actually perfon�led and the State's Au�i�orized DNR Repz-esentative accepts the invoiced services. <br />Invoices must be subn�ittcd timely and according to the following sckiEdule: <br />As work is co��lpleted. <br />Invoices r�lust be accoiilpanaed by a signed requesY for pay�i�eilt oil Grantee's lettenc�ad. Send Invnices thaY <br />are to be rein�bt�rsed to: <br />Neil Vanderboscla <br />Mii�nesota Dept. of Natural Resources <br />1200 Warner Road <br />St. Paul, MN 55106 <br />Tl�e final 10% ofproject expenses will be paid after a fmat completioa� repart aud request for reiml�ursei��ent <br />is submitted and when th� Authorized DNR Representative approves in writing that tl�e project has beei� <br />conlpleted per pxojcct plan specifieations. <br />(2) Ferleral funds. Federal Funds wi11 not be used. <br />5 Couditions of Payment <br />All services prnvided by the Grantee under this grant enntract �nus# be perfonlled to t��e State=s satisfaction, as <br />detei-�1uiled at the sole discretion o�t11e State=s Authorized R�presentative anci in accordance with aIl applicable <br />federal, state, and local Iaws, ordina.nces, i-ules, and regulaiions. The Grantee wzll ��ot receive payment for work <br />found by t��ce Statie to be unsatisfactory or perfaimed iri violatian of f�deral, sta#e, oz- local law. <br />A�tliarized DNR Repxesentative <br />The State's Authorized Representative is Neil Vanderbosch, Nafurai Resources Specialist, (651) 772-3796 or <br />hislher successar, and has the responsibility to manitor ti3e Grantee=s perfa�n�auce and ti3e authority to accept the <br />services pz-ovided ui�der this grant contraci. I�the services are satisfactory, the State's Authoriz�d Represeiatative <br />wi11 certiiy acceptance on each invoice submiited for payme�it. <br />Tiie Grantee=s Authorized Representative is Mike Goebel, I'ublic Works Director, 1600 Lake Street North, Big <br />Lake, MN 55309, (763} 263-2268. Zfthe Grantee=s Authorized Represeniative chai�ges at any tizne durzng this <br />grai�t contract, the Graartce �nust irr�a�ediately ilotify the 5tate. <br />7 Assignment, Amenc�ments, Waiver, and Grant cantract Cornplete <br />7.1 Assi��i�7ielat. '�'he Grantee may neither assign iaor transfer any ��zghts or obligations ui�der this grant contracG <br />without the prior cansent of thc State and a fi�11y execu�ed Assignanent Agreemeilt, cxecuted and approved by <br />tlie samc parties who cxecuted and approved this grant conri-act, or tlleir successors in of�"ice. <br />7.2 Arnetad�nents. Any amendment io this grant contract nlust be in wt'itia�g aild will not be efFective un#il it has <br />beeil executed and a�proved by t��e sazne parties wl�o executed and approved the ariginal gra��t en�7tract, or <br />their successors ii1 office. <br />Granf A�'eemencO11304 <br />