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I6 <br />17 <br />30 days� written natice to tlae Grantee. Upon ternui�atian, the Gran#ee wili be entitled to payment, deten7�i��ed on a <br />pro rata basis, far se�vices satisfactorily perfarmed. <br />Data Disc[asare <br />Ui�der Minn. Stat ' 27d.66, and other applicable law, the Grantee conse��ts to disclosure of its social security <br />number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Mi��r�esota tax idcntification number, already pa'ovided <br />to the State, to federal a�id state tax ag�ncies and state persoa�nel ii��olved in the payment of state obligatians. <br />These identification nun�bers �11ay be used in t�e enforce�ne��t of federal and state tax laws whicl� could result i�� <br />actioiz requiring the Granfiee to �le state tax returx�s and pay delinquent state tax iiabilities, if any. <br />Other Provisians <br />I. The grantee wilI enter into an agreei�aei�t (Attach�nea�st B) wi#h t��e DNR and the landowner that alIows the <br />Project Cnoperator, ihe DNR and their assagns to entcr the projeet site to instaIl, maintai�l, and evaluate the <br />�roject. The DNR will b aIlowed to tour the projects site witli oiher persof�s for cducational purposes. <br />2. Mada�cations to the project plan must be described i.ra writing and signed by the grantec and the Authorized <br />DNR Representative. <br />3. The DNR wil� be recognized as a fu��ding source nn i��fonnatiaraal rraaterials and reparts developcd foz- and <br />resulting from tl�is project. <br />4. Only tl�e aquatic foi�iulations of herbicides (e.g., Rodeo ins�ead of RoundUp) will be used witl�in 10 ft of the <br />water's edge. <br />5. Appropriate pernuts inust be secured for the project (including those req�ired to apply laerbicides below the <br />ordi�iary high water tine and to collect fron� and/or transpiant inio public watcrs). <br />Under Minn. Stat. ' 270.66, and other applicabte law, tke Grantee cot�seiats to discIosure of its social secL�rity <br />number, federaI employer tax identifieation �iumber, and/or Mirsnesota tax identification number, already provided <br />to ti�e State, to fede��al and state tax agencies and state perso��i�el ii�volvcd zn the paynaent af state obligations. <br />Tl�ese identi�catio�a nu�l�i�ers i�iay be used in the ei�farcement of federal and state tax laws whicl� could resul� in <br />aetio�� z-equiring the Grante� to f le state tax returns and pay delzxaq�ent state tax liabilities, if any. <br />1, STAT� �NCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION <br />lirdii�rtlual certifies tl:at firnds ha�� been efrcumber'ed as <br />reqaoired by Mi�sn. Siat. �� 1bA.15 and I6C.05. <br />5igned <br />Date: <br />CFMS Gra��t contract No. A- <br />2. GRANTEE <br />The Gra�ntee certifies that the apprapriafe person(s} <br />have executed tl�e grant contract on behalf oi ihe Graniee as <br />required Uy appiicab[e articles, byiaws, reso[utions, or ordinances. <br />$y: <br />Tit[e: <br />Date: <br />Sy: <br />T�c��: <br />Grent Agreement O1130�1 <br />3. S'�'A'x`� AGENCY <br />By: <br />Ron Payer, Director <br />Title: Divisiora of Fisheries <br />Date: <br />