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7.3 Waiver. If tl�e Sta#e fails to enforce any provision of this grant contract, that failur� does �aot waive the <br />provision ar its right to enforce it. <br />7.4 Grr�rzt Coritract Cotnplete. This grant cantract contaiils aIl negotiations and agree���ei�is beriveen ilie State a�1d <br />the Grantee. No other undez's�andiilg regarding tl�is grant contract, whether written or oral, may be used to <br />biiid eitlier party. <br />S Liability <br />The Grantee must indemnify, save, and hold the State, its agents, and en�ployees harnzless fz-orra any claims or <br />ca�ses af action, incl�icting attorney-s fees ii�curred by the State, arising fram the performance o� tl�is grant cont�-act <br />by the Grantee or the Gra�ltee=s a�ents or en�ployees. 7'his clause will ��ot be constxued to bar any legal ren-�edies <br />the Grantee may have for the State's �ailure to fulfill its obligations under tl�is grant contract. <br />9 State Audits <br />Unde� Miml. Stat. ' 16C.05, subd. 5, the G�azitee=s books, records, docu�l�ents, a�ld accou�lting procedures and <br />practiices relevant to this grant contract are subject to examination by t11� State and/or tl�e State Atiiditor or <br />Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a�l�ininiu�n of six yea�'s fi•om t�ie end of this grant contract. <br />10 GovernmenE Data Practices and Intellectual I'roperty <br />Gover�zrazerit Data Practices. The Grantee and State �nusi eo��zply witli the Minnesota Govenimcnt Data Practi.ces <br />Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data �rovided by the State under this grant contract, and as it applies to <br />all data created, colIected, received, stored, used, znai�tained, or disseminated by the Grailtee under tlais grant <br />coniract. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. ' 13.OS apply ta the release of fl�e data referred to in this clause I�y <br />either the Grantee or tlae State. <br />If t�e Grantee recezves a request tn release thc data re%rred to i�� this Clausc, the Grantee il�ust in�mediately ��otify <br />the Staie. The State will give the Grantee inst��uctiaiis coiicerning tkae re]ease of the data tn the requesting party <br />be%re the data is re�eased. <br />12 Wor�ers� Compe��sation <br />The Grantee certifies that it is in co�npliance with Mii�n. 5tat. � 176.1 S i, subd. 2, pertai�ing to work�z-s= <br />coinpensation insuranee coverage. The Grantee=s employees and agents wiIl not be considered State ernployees. <br />Any claims that inay arise under the Minnesata Workers� Compe��satioi� Ac# on behalf of these employees a�1d a�1y <br />claiins made by any t�ird party as a cansequence nf a;iy act or amission on t1�e part af these empIoyees are i�1 na <br />way the State=s obligatzon or responsibility. <br />13 Publicity and Eudorsement <br />13.1 Publicity. Any publicity regardii�g tl�e subject matter of this grant contract �1-�ust identify �he Staie as the <br />sponsoring agency aud nlust not �e released wit�out prior writteil approval From the State=s Auiharized <br />Represei�tative. �'or purpases of this provision, pubIicity includes notices, ii�Forma#ional pamphlets, �ress <br />releases, research, reports, sigi�s, and san�iJar publie notices prepared by or for the Grantee individualIy or <br />�ointly with athers, or any subcont�-actors, with respect to the program, publica�ions, or sezvices provided <br />resulting froii� this grant contract. <br />13.2 E�dorse»zerzt. The Gran#ee rr�ust not clain� that the State e��dorses its producfis or se�vices. <br />� 4 Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue <br />Minnesata law, without regard to its choice-of law provisions, govenls this grant cantract. Vei�u� far ail legal <br />proceedings out of this grant contract, or its breach, rnust be in th� appropriate stafe or federal court with conapetea�i <br />jurisdiction in Raznsey County, Minnesota. <br />15 Terrninaiion <br />15.1 Ter�ninatio�t by the State. The S�aie may cancet ihis grant conhact at any time, with or without cause, u�oaa <br />Grant Agreement Ot 1304 <br />