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�� <br />� <br />� <br />Government Fir�ance Officers Association <br />203 North LaSalle Street, S«ice Z700 <br />Chicago, Il linois 60fi01-1210 <br />312.977.9700 `fax:312.977.480b <br />Aprii 22, 20a5 <br />Mr. Neal Beets <br />City Manager <br />City of Roseville <br />26b0 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Dear Mr. Beets: <br />Date: 07/11 /05 <br />Item: S.a <br />Distinguished Budget <br />Presentation Award <br />Date: OS/23/05 <br />Item: S.a <br />Distinguished Budg�t <br />Presentatian Award <br />I arn pleased to notify you tl�at City of Roseville, Mi�mesota has received the Distinguished Budget <br />Pres�i�tatinn �ward far the curre�lt �scat year froin the Government �'iilance Ofiicers Associatio�7 <br />(G�'OA), �i'his award is tfze higl�est fonn of recog��itian iz� govez��ental b�icfgeting aiid represei-�ts a <br />sigr�ificant achievement by your orgai�z�ation. <br />Whet� a Distingttished �udget Presentatioi7 Award is granted to an entify, a Certificate flf Recognit[on <br />£or Budget Presentatioi� is alsa presented to the individua� ox departmet�k designated as being <br />primarily responsible for its having achieved ttle award. This has beeza pres�zited to: <br />Finance Department <br />We hope yott will arrange for a forrrtaI public presentation of the award, and that <br />appropriate publicity wi[1 b� givei� to this ttotable achieve�ne�lt. A press release is <br />eiiclosed for your use. <br />We appreciate your participatio�� iu GFOA's Budget Awards Program. Throug� yaur <br />example, we hope tl�at other etatities will be encouraged to achieve excellence in <br />budgeting, <br />Siilcerely, <br />�� — <br />� <br />Stepheii J. Gauthier, �irector <br />TecY�nical Services Center <br />Enciosure <br />