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�� <br />� <br />Gavernment Finance Officers Associatia�� <br />203 North La5a1Ne Street, Suite 2700 <br />Chicago, Illinnis 60b01-12 � 0 <br />31Z.977.97(30 fax:312.977.480b <br />April 22, 2005 <br />PRESS RELEASE <br />For Furtlier Information Contact <br />Stepl�en J. Gauthier (3I2) 977-9700 <br />�*��*�***�+*�*�*���**���+****����»*�����:�***�*��*****�*���***����*�******:�*�***�*��*� <br />Chicago--Tl�e Goven�inent Finance O�'�cers Association of the Ur�ited States and Canada (GFOA} <br />is pleased to announce that City of Roseville, Minnesota has received the GFOA's Distinguisl�ed <br />Budget Preseiltation Award for its budget. <br />The award represents a significant acllievemeni by tl�e entity. It reflects the cailvnitn�ei�t of the <br />governing body and staff to ineeti��g tlie liigl�est principles of gavernmental budgeting. In order to <br />receive the budget award, ihe entity had to satisfy ��ationally recognized guidelines for eifective <br />budget presentation. These guideIines are designed to assess how well au entity's budget serves as: <br />■ a policy docuil�ent <br />■ a financial pIan <br />■ an operations guide <br />■ a communications de�ice <br />Budget docuuients inust be rated "pro%cient" in all four categories to receive the award. <br />Wl�en a Distinguisl�ed Budget Presez�tation Award is granted to aa� e��tity, a Certificate af Recognitiail <br />for Budget Presentation is aiso presented to the individual or departmeizt designated as being <br />primarily responsible for its having achiev�d the award. Tl�is has bee�� prese��ted to F`inanee <br />Department. <br />Since the inceptio�� of the GF'OA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Progran� in I984, <br />approxiinately 9d0 entities have received the Award. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to <br />inlprove fhe quality oibudgeting a��d provide az� excellei�t example for ather governmea�ts tl�rqughout <br />North America. <br />The Goven�meaat �'it�a�ace �fficers Associaiioal is a ilonprofit professianal associatioi� <br />serving 14,400 goven�rrient iinance prnfessio��als throughout Nnrth America. The <br />GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards <br />program in governn�ental hudgeting. <br />w���t�°. gfoa. or� <br />