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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF CITY COLTNCIL <br />�F CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESQTA <br />Pursuant ta due call ar�ct notice thereof, a regular rr�eeting of the City Cauncil of the City of Rose�ille, <br />Minnesota, was held in the City HaII in said City on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 7:00 o'eIock p.m. <br />The fallowing members w�re present: and t�e fallor�ing were al�sent: <br />Mayor Klausin� introduced the �ollovving resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RES4LUTION NO. <br />RESOLUTYON ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPR4VEMENT P-ST-05-02, <br />N32- LOVELL AVENUE <br />WHEREAS, a resolutian o� the City Council of ihe City of Roseville adopted May 9, 2005 fixed a <br />date foar a public hearing on Project P-ST-OS-02, Neighborhaod 32 and; <br />WHEREAS, ten days mailed notice and two weeks published notice was giveil; <br />NOW THEREFQRE SE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Raseville, Minnesota, that in <br />accardance with the prnvisions of Minnesota Stat�tes, Chapter 429, as a�raended, the Cauncil held a <br />publie hearir�g on July 11, 2005, to consider the proposed construction of Project P-ST-OS-02, <br />Neighborhood 32, consisting af the installatian of t�it�zninous paving, concrete curb and gutter, <br />sani#ary sew�r service repair, drainage �acilities, and necessary app�zrtenances on alI that property <br />abutting: <br />Neighborllood 32: Lovell Av�nue- Cul-de-sac to Chatsworth Street <br />as described in the Notice of Hearings at a cast prese�ltly estimated at $1 i 5,824.39 and sui�stantially <br />in accardance with the preliminary report as to the feasibility thereof which is now an iile in the <br />ofiice of the City Manager; at whic� aIl persons desirin� to be heard were given an opportuniiy to be <br />heard therean, and having co��sidered the views of all interest�d persons, the Cou�cil ctoes hereby <br />deterrnine and arder that said improvement shalI b� constructed and �na�ced and that aIl streets be <br />constructed substar�tially as reco�mended in the f�asibility report. The City Engineer for the project <br />is directed to prepare and submit to the Council ihe final plans and specifications for the <br />impravement. <br />The motion �or the adoption of the faregoing resolution was duly seconded by Schroeder and upon <br />vote being taken thereon, the following vated in �avor thereof; and the following voted against <br />the same: . <br />