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REQUEST FOR C�UNCIL ACT�ON <br />DATE: 7/1 �/05 <br />ITEM NO.: 7. <br />Department Approvai: Manager Rev�ewec�: AgendaSection: <br />t <br />Item Description: Public Improvement Hearings �or S. Owasso Blvd Reconstruction Project <br />Sackground: On Tune 13, 2005, the City Council received the %asibility report for the S. Owasso <br />Bivd. Reconstr�ction Prajec� and ordered the public hearing. Priar to opening the hearing, staf�'will <br />present generat informatian regarding construction, standards, and assessments that apply far this <br />proj ect. <br />We have held nine information meetin�s with property owners regarding this project since Marc� <br />2004. We have worked through a number of diifierent issues in regards to the proposed street <br />project. In the developrr�ent ofthe feasibility repor�, staff�as tried ta cansistently apply City policy <br />as it regards to assessments and street canstructian. <br />Special Considerations: Every road project is unique. The feasibiIity report discusses many of the <br />issues that staff has been working on with the neighborhood. Here is a sumrnasy o� the <br />recommendations. <br />Road Al ignrnent: Traffic speed is a concern that many of the residents along this road hav� brought <br />up. From our first meeting with tlae r�eighborhood, the property awners requested that the City <br />explore using traffic calming techniques to h�lp slow the traffic. Curves in �he road discourage high <br />speeds by forcing horizontal deflection. As anotl�er step in the planning process, City Staff worked <br />with the surro�nding praperty owners on �ow a recoz�structed S. Owasso Blvd would reiate ta <br />Ladyslipper Park. In January 2005, the Parks and Rccreation siaff began a Ladyslipper Park master <br />planning process. This process resuIted in a Park �naster plan that was adopted by the City Council <br />in March 2005. The park master plan ca�led �or tk�e realignmen� o� S. Owasso Blvd through the city <br />parcels located sauth of the road between Matilda and Marion Stre�t. The c�rve in the road will <br />facilitate the Ladyslipper Park master pian as well as accommodate the residents desire to build a <br />road that could reduce the speeci of traffic. <br />Sidewalk: The neighborhaod was also very concerned about pedestrian safety alon� this segment af <br />roac�. As a result, we are proposing to construct a sidewalk along the entire �ength of the praject. To <br />facilitate pedestrian safety, we will be striping pedestrian crosswalks at all new stop sign lncations; <br />Galtier Street, Western Avenue, and Sandy Hoo�. <br />in discussing the proposed sidewalk location with the neighborhoad, we determined that between <br />