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Rice Street and Western Avenue, the sidewaIk would be on tk�e south side of the road. Between <br />Western and the railroad tracks, the west side works best, wit� the r�mainin� portior� being <br />al�ng the railroad tracks. This will require the acquisition of 2 feet of easement along the entire <br />len�kh of the railroad. <br />Parkin�: For parking to be per�nitting on one side of a Municipal State Aid street, the street must be <br />at Ieast 32 feet wide. Street wi�ths narrower than that must be signed No Parking on both sides of <br />the road. <br />Between Rice Street and Western Avenue we are proposing ta construct ai 28 foot wide road. <br />Consistent with the Ladyslipper Park Master Plan, we are proposing ta cansiruct parking bays on <br />th� narth side of the street between Marion and Matiida Streef. The bays will paxk at least 10 <br />cars. The rest of this portion nf the road will be signed no parking. <br />We recornmend a 28 foot wide road between Western Ave�ue and the RaiIroad tracks as well. <br />Building a 32 foot wide road to provide a continuous parking lane, would have impacts t� the <br />single family property owners an the east side of the road. These impacts include tree remaval, <br />retaining wali construction, driveway Slop� increases, and the sl�ifting ofthe street 5 feet clos�r to <br />their homes. T�is would also irr�pact the cost of the project. <br />Between the raiiroad tracks and Dale Str�et, the property owners have indicated that they would <br />like to have on-street parking. Altho�gh the property owners want parking atong this street, it is <br />very di�'�icult io accommodate their request for the entire length of the street There is only 50 <br />feet af right- of- way on the westerly portion of this segment, this narrows dow� to 40 feet just <br />east of Little Bay Road. As discussed in the feasibility r�port, 40 feet will not accommodate a 32 <br />foot wide road with a sidewaIk. <br />In the 50 fioot right- of- way area we do �aave adequate room to provide some 32 foot wide <br />seetions of the road to allow %r �arking bays on the narth side of the rnad. We recommend that <br />these be limited to areas �vhere there are no above ground utility conflicts. In the 40 foot right- <br />of way area, the City should work wit� the Ra'tlroad on acquiring easements to provide parking <br />on the south side of the raad. <br />Overhead Porver: Overhead utilities are located on both sides of S. Owasso Blvd. The <br />transrr�ission line towers along the so�th side of the project are cost prohibitive to move or bury. <br />However, tl�ere are overhead local distribution lines that cross aver S. Owasso Baulevard and run <br />along the nnrth side of the road. So�e of these will need ta be moved as a part of the <br />reconstruction praject. There has been some discussian in the past about burying eiectric lin�s <br />where ever feasible. To meet this end, we could work with Xcel Energy to design the most <br />efficient relocation. Currently, Xcel Energy has estimated a cost of approximately $8000/ pale to <br />bury these lines. <br />We have identiiied 60 poles within the corridor that could be considered for burying. 15 of these <br />zzeecl to be relocat�d to acenmrnadate this reconstruction project. The total estiznated eost to bury the <br />electrical distributian �ines would be $�80,000. This esti�nate does not include the cost ta bury t�e <br />