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� � �� � �. 2' L, 1 --� <br />:, „ i�,. , , ,i:v .. <br />Background Information <br />HRA Community Dialogues on Housing <br />North Central Area Dialogue <br />May 3,2005 <br />Centennial United Methodist Church <br />The Roseville Housing and Redevelopment Authority �1 � �� r`•.� wants �o better understand �o���ty concerns <br />about housing issues. To achieve tlus goal, the IIRA, with support of the City Council, is holding a series of five <br />neighborhood meetings and two meetings ivitl� businessesand organizations. <br />These dialogues are being facilitated by the Center for Policy, Planning, and Performance. There will be a re- <br />port to the City Council, which will include what was learned from listening to the community and �'ecorrunenda- <br />tions about ways to address housing issues now a�1d in the future. <br />In an effortto share information as the process unfolds, a suir�tnary of each dialogue is being made available <br />to t11e public. Summaries will be available at neighborhood dialogues, on the T�RA web site, and upon request to <br />the Citv. <br />For tnore information, go to ivznrs,n���1 and click on the "Housing & Redevelopment Author- <br />ity" link ar call IIRA staff at 651-792-7015. <br />North Central Area Summary <br />Who Attended? <br />Thirty-six (36) residents and one member <br />each from the H11.A and the Planning Commis- <br />sion attended the dialogue. Two staff inembers <br />of the City's Community Development Depart- <br />ment were present to respond to questions <br />raised throughout the dialogue and distribute <br />handouts. <br />Thirty-four (34) of the residents completed <br />feedback forms. Of those responding, nearly all <br />(33) live in the North East area. One (1)respon- <br />dent is from the South East area. All respon- <br />dents live and own a single-familyhome. Nearly <br />all (33)plan to be living in that home three years <br />from now. (Two were undecided.) <br />Respondents have lived in Roseville an av- <br />erage of 30 years and in their neighborhoods for <br />an average 29 years. There were slightly more <br />women ,'7;i'•' men. A majority (22) cf the respon- <br />dents were between the ages of 51 and 75. Seven <br />(7)respondents were between the ages of 36 and <br />50, and five (5)were over the age of 76. <br />What do participants value about their <br />neighborhoods? <br />Respondents mentioned the iolln�ving character- <br />istics most often: <br />� Convenient location (16 times) <br />� Neighbors (1� times) <br />�} High level of maintenance of homes (1� <br />times) <br />� Parks, open space, and lakes (11 times) <br />Other qualities that were mentioned seven ar <br />eight times included: <br />� Safety (8 times) <br />� General environment and cammunity/sma1� <br />town feel (8 limes) <br />� Quiet (7 times) <br />Were participants satisfied with the <br />dialogue? <br />Twenty-four (24) of ti�e 33 respondents <br />agreed that they had an opportunity to voice <br />their thoughts during small group discussions; <br />one (I)person felt helshe sort of had an o��or- <br />tunity to voice his/��er thoughts; and eight (8)re- <br />spondents did not answer the question. T�tventy- <br />three (23) persons thought that the dialogue was <br />informative; two (2) thought the dialogues was <br />somewhat information; and eight (8) respon- <br />dents did not answer the question. <br />