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_..._� � � �'� <br />infrastz'ucfure and traffic management changes under consideration; the negative impact new <br />retail will have on established retail businesses in places such as Rosedale, Har Mar Mall, and <br />the Crossroads; and what new housing options will be made available. <br />4. Police Department <br />Issues relevant to the Police Department's performance centered on topics af localized crime in <br />places such as the motels on Snelling; patrolling residential streets for speeders and multi- <br />family parking lots for illegal activity; providing the public with better information about the <br />Crime Watch program's sign policies; and using the Block Captain network as a conduit for <br />providing non-crime information to residents. <br />Multi-fanuly housing managers expressed the greatest concern about interaction with the Police <br />Department. They reported incidents in which the Police Department declined to share <br />information about events that occurred in their buildings. These managers were frustrated by <br />Police Departments' response, because in some instances mangers are able to invoke eviction <br />clauses when tenants are involved in crime and they can work other tenants to allay fears and <br />improve overall security in their buildings. <br />Section 2. Promising Actions to Respond to Issues <br />Wlzat actions can the Cit. tv ake? <br />L Increase Communication <br />Participants offered several suggestions for ways in which the City could increase <br />communications with residents. These included: <br />. Enhance use � existing publications, such as the Roseville Wa°ap and the Rosevi22e Review, <br />and direct mailings of the City Code to new property owners <br />. Expand use af the "Block Captain" network for issues other than crime <br />. Create a Community Ombudsman or Liaison position to facilitate citizen requests, <br />complaints, or concerns and to provide accountability to residents. <br />. Provide trained mediators to resoIve neighbor disputes ar resident disputes with the City <br />. Facilitate rejuvenation af the C`rime Free Multi-family Housing Coalition and use it as a <br />vehicle for improving communications between the Police Department and the multi- <br />family housing property managers/owners. <br />. Facilitate conversations among Northwestern College, Bethel College, and neighborhoods <br />close to their campuses. <br />. Develop policies that ensure citizen input in the early planning stages of development <br />projects and with developments that will create significant neighborhood changes due to <br />the type ofbusiness or the extent af the business' operations. <br />. Facilitate conversations between rental property residents and owner-occupied residents <br />to create stronger relationships and share information. <br />Roseville IZHT7A. Communiiy t7ialogue on T�ousing ---DRAFT--- <br />Prepared by the Center for Policy, 1'laru�ii�g, and Perforxnance <br />