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••��i1a�i i •-•,� <br />2. Provide Education <br />All types of educational programs about :1ti'�; 7�' maintenance and the City Code were proposed. <br />It was suggested that these could be offered through Community Education. One group <br />proposed that an educational program for rental property owners be mandatory to ensure that <br />they are properly informed about regulations and responsibilities. <br />Others suggested programs that would be targeted to seniors and include topics about <br />remodeling plans that will retrofit the house to better meet their needs while simultaneously <br />making their house more attractive to buyers and about iinancial programs designed to meet <br />senipxs' needs. <br />3. Enforce Existing Codes <br />At almost every meeting, participants urged stronger enforcement � existing codes and <br />allocation af additional resources for more enforcement staff if that is needed. Multi-family <br />housing owners, however, urged that enforcement be applied fairly to both single-family and <br />multi-family housing and that other agencies' inspection programs not be duplicated, rather <br />serve as surrogates for City programs with similar objectives. Establishing such programs as <br />"Truth-in-Housing", Rental Licensing, and Rental Inspection was brought up at several <br />meetings, but there was clear indication that any one � these programs would receive strong <br />citizen scrutiny. <br />4. Provide Incentive Programs to Encourage Improvement of Aging Housing Stock <br />The existing housing stockwas seen as both an asset and a source of concern. Often owned by <br />seniors, these houses do not meet the needs of young families. Seniors lack the incentive to <br />improve them and young fainilies, who are typically stretched iinancially when they buy these <br />houses, lack the iinancial resources to make systems upgrades or additions. Suggested <br />programs included: <br />■ Interest free or delayed interest payments on gap financing loans for either seniors or <br />young families. <br />• Design assistance for remodeling the "Roseville Rambler." <br />■ Work with Ramsey County to defer or abate property tax increases on improvement to <br />aging housing stock. <br />• Create a special loan program for house systems upgrades (e.g, heating and electricity) <br />that do not necessarily add value to the home, but make it more marketable. <br />• Targeted incentives rather than general remodeling progra�ns to address the most <br />important areas for attracting future buyers. <br />Roseville RHRA. Community Dialogue on Housing ---DRE�F'T--- <br />Prepared by the Center for Policy, Planning, and Performance <br />