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What other concerns were raised? <br />A few non-housing issues were identified dur- <br />ing the dialogue and fallinto three large categories: <br />Transportation <br />�r Mare public transit is needed. <br />•:• There is a general increase in traffic on all <br />sheets. <br />•;• Neighborhoods are less "drivable" due to snow <br />removal practices and poor enforcement� <br />parking requirements. <br />� Maplewood Bus Barn—promises that were <br />made about operations are not being kept, be- <br />cause it is in Maplewood Roseville residents feel <br />powerless and that there is �if��e they can do to <br />demand accountability. <br />Environment <br />� Development is having negative environmental <br />impacts (loss of habitat, including trees, open <br />space). <br />� Deer are seen as both positive and i�egative— <br />they are a problem because they eat landscape <br />��].� � ��� and collide with cars, but at the same <br />time some residents enjoy having them around. <br />Parks and Recreation <br />�� Parks, such as Villa Park, are neighbarhood as- <br />sets and must have on-going maintenance in <br />addition to mare frequent upgrades and im- <br />provements. <br />f� Vandalism in parks is increasing. <br />Police Department <br />v Crime Watch signs were taken down and then <br />put back up with no communication among the <br />Police Department, Block Captains, and <br />neighborhood. <br />What can the City do to respond to these <br />issues? <br />Develop better comiz�unications with residents: <br />•ti Enhance the block captain �te��ork as a vehicle <br />for communicationwith residents <br />�* Improve the substantive content� the Roseuille <br />Wrap and increase its frequency <br />$r Develop HRA public relations campaign about <br />existing housing programs <br />+ Create a liaison ar ombudsman position to meet <br />with neighborhoods on issues cf concern <br />� Create a one-stop shop for inquires and re- <br />quests, thus ensuring accountability <br />� <br />;� Inform people about ardinances so they know <br />what the regulations are and can report viola- <br />tions <br />�� Provide neighborhood mediators to resolve con- <br />flict among neighbors <br />Address the rental issue <br />•F• License residential rental properties <br />� Limit number of licenses issued <br />•.� Require permits for residential rental properties <br />�� There could be a mediator for neighbor conflicts <br />Enforce existin� codes <br />�� Adequately fund positions so there is someone <br />to enforce regulations <br />�? Develop a mandatory"Saturday School" far <br />rental property owners—cover topics such as <br />regulatory requirements, neighbar expectations, <br />etc. <br />�� Create a policy that would require a public in- <br />put process far businesses proposals that reach <br />certain thresholds � size and activity (input <br />would be on architectural design, operations, <br />etc.) <br />What can Citizens do to respond to these <br />issues: <br />;� Long-term residents could be ambassadars to <br />new residents <br />� Advocate to improve the content � articles in <br />the Roseville Review <br />{* Develop a Community Ed course for new (first- <br />time) home owners <br />� Be more proactive in reporting code violations <br />to the City <br />:* Provide t i Li���_ input into development projects <br />(e.�. C�b Store) to influence decisions about ar- <br />chitectural design, operations, etc. <br />