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City Council Regular Meeting — 07/11/OS <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 11 <br />maintenance of walkways; installation of three-way stop signs; <br />on-street parking concerns and recommendations for minimizing <br />impacts to property owners through parking bays at Ladyslipper <br />Park; drainage issues; preservation of mature trees; wetland <br />concerns; relocation of utilities; right-of-way and easement <br />issues with private property owners and the railroad; and code <br />enforcement concerns with illegal access of and storage on the <br />railroad right-of-way property. <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed proposed assessments, past practice on <br />similar properties, proposed calculations, and options for Council <br />consideration. Ms. Bloom noted the unique situation with an <br />entire side of the roadway representing railroad property. <br />Mr. Bloom concluded the staff presentation at this time by noting <br />the staffs recommendations outlined in the Request for Council <br />Action dated July 11, 2005; a street assessment of $26.66 per <br />foot (Option C); with construction starting in the fall of 2005 <br />(surcharging of soils) and completed in the fall of 2QOf . <br />Councilmember Schroeder opined his lack of support for parking <br />bays, given the complaints on West Owassa Blvd. and Lake <br />Josephine Blvd. with conflicts among neighbors for parking <br />space in the bays. Councilmember Schroeder sought public <br />comment related to their preference for parking along one side of <br />the street, given impacts to property owners, or installation of <br />parking bays. <br />Councilmember Kough opined that, with so much frontage not <br />assessable, it was unfair to burden the property owners with <br />improvements to Ladyslipper Park. Councilmember Kough also <br />opined that parking was a concern, and if the railroad didn't <br />mind and they didn't maintain their property, rather than paying <br />for an easement, why not just continue to allow use of their <br />property for parking. <br />Council and staff discussion included right-of-way and easement <br />issues, costs and private property impacts; wetland and mature <br />tree protection; retaining wall construction; roadway life <br />expectancy; and ongoing drainage issues. <br />