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City Council Regular Meeting — 07/11/OS <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 10 <br />Councilmember Schroeder requested that staff provide additional <br />information related to screening locations along the roadway and <br />right-of-ways. <br />Acting Mayor Maschka declared that the Public Hearing would <br />be continued to the August 8, 2005 regular City Council meeting. <br />7. Public Hearing for South Owassa Street Reconstruction from <br />Rice Street to Dale Street <br />Acting Mayor Maschka opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom provided a brief history of the <br />proposed project; and general information related to the City's <br />Pavement Management Plan, implemented in 1987, with this <br />neighborhood one of the last scheduled for reconstruction. Ms. <br />Bloom noted that, with the City's planning ahead over the last 20 <br />years, an estimated $6 Million in savings had been achieved. <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed the street's condition, initial turnback from <br />Ramsey County, status as a Minnesota State Aid (MSA) street, <br />and ongoing drainage and water quality concerns. Ms. Bloom <br />addressed the roadway in three different segments to facilitate <br />discussion and review unique characteristics of each segment and <br />neighborhood. <br />Ms. Bloom noted the number of informational meetings held to- <br />date, 9, with property owners, and the various issues resolved in <br />relationship to consistency with City policy related to <br />assessments and street construction. Ms. Bloom reviewed the <br />maj ority public comments heart during those meetings, <br />including, traffic and speed; pedestrian safety; on-street parking; <br />overhead power lines; storm water concerns; and private <br />property considerations (i.e., driveways and individual property <br />concerns). <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed five year study comparisons for and 85% <br />reduction of speed on Josephine Road, possibly attributed to <br />construction of a narrower roadway. <br />Ms. Bloom detailed various components of the proposed project, <br />including, sidewalk type and connectivity; snow storage and <br />Public Hearing <br />South Owasso <br />Street <br />Reconstruction <br />Rice Street to <br />Dale Street <br />