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City Council Regular Meeting — 07111105 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 17 <br />the requirements of the rail system would be totally different, <br />and should be considered at this time to accommodate the <br />construction project. Councilmember Schroeder recognized the <br />public comment regarding the road no further north than <br />proposed by staff; opining that he had mixed feelings about the <br />nor�h/south segment from Western to the railroad tracks. <br />Councilmember Schroeder supported staffs recommendations <br />from the railroad to Rice, but sought fi.trthe�' information and <br />clarification from staff regarding the railroad tracks and beyond, <br />along with additional discussion with the railroad prior to any <br />Council decision-making. <br />Acting Mayor Maschka concurred that more options needed to <br />be explored between staff and the railroad representatives. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that enough ideas had been <br />generated tonight to provide additional options for staff to <br />pursue, including curb design. Councilmember Ihlan concurred <br />that costs for realigning the road as it related to park <br />improvements should be borne by the City. <br />Councilmember Kough opined that the City needed to assist in <br />addressing the drainage issues; expressed his preference for <br />concrete sidewalk construction for longevity; was supportive of a <br />28' roadway with parking along one side; and was willing to <br />reconsider curbing to accommodate Mr. Anderson's unique <br />situation. <br />Public Works Director Schwartz clarified that, based on how <br />assessments would be distributed under Option C, the net cost <br />for the City to pick up the additional $3/foat for realignment <br />would only be an approximate net of $25,000, as the City was <br />already picking up the $175,000. <br />Acting Mayor Maschka directed staff to clarify the items <br />discussed tonight during public comment, and among <br />Councilmembers and staff, explore additional options with the <br />railroad, and return to the City Council. <br />Ms. Bloom noted that this action required a"super majority" <br />vote, and given construction timeframes, she was concerned that <br />