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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/12/2014 2:31:58 PM
Creation date
9/14/2009 10:10:15 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Agenda/Packets
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Public Improvement Contract <br />Each new developmentor redevelopment is required to enter into a public improvement contract <br />with the City. The purpose of the public improvement contract is to ensure that the infrastructure <br />is built according to submittedplans and City specifications. At a minimum, City Staff and the <br />City Attorney spend approximately 5-6 hours and 1-2 hours respectively, to develop and review <br />the contract. In addition, City Staff spend time on-site observing and reviewing the construction <br />of the improvements as they occur. Therefore it is also recommended that in addition to the <br />$500 application fee, the public improvement contract also calls for an on-site review fee that is <br />equal to 1-2% of the total cost of the improvement. <br />Currently, the associated Staff and City Attorney costs are being funded by properiy taxes. To <br />maintain consistency with building permit and plan review funding mechanisms, it is proposed <br />that the properiy owners andlor their contractor pay for all associated costs. This will provide <br />greater assurance that new growth will pay for itself. <br />Building Permit Fees <br />While many of the City's building permit and plan review fees were adjusted last year, the <br />associated costs have continued to increase and have reached a point that warrants an increase in <br />the fees. The proposed fee increases are consistent with the current Uniform Building Code. <br />Financial Impacts <br />Based on the recommended fee adjustments, it is projected that revised fees will generate <br />revenues sufficient to cover the City's added regulatory costs. The applicable revenues and <br />expenditures have been included in the 2006 Budget. <br />Attachments <br />a) 2006 Proposed Fee Schedule <br />Council Action Requested <br />Provide direction to Staff as to the appropriate fees and charges for City regulatory functions for <br />2006, and direct Staff to bring forth a resolution to adopt the 2006 Fee Schedule at the next <br />available Council Meeting. <br />� <br />
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