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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/23/2009 12:50:56 PM
Creation date
9/23/2009 12:50:26 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 24, 2009 <br />Page 7 <br />Mr. Miller noted that the Springsted contract had been included in tonight's <br />packet information and the work to be performed under Option 1 (i.e., data gath- <br />ering, calculating of individual program costs) and would not go beyond that Op- <br />tion 1 as outlined, and that it would be up to the City Council to determine how to <br />use this information. Mr. Miller further noted that the 2009 Budget Spending <br />Plan, as provided by staff, did not suggest that current service levels are set, and <br />that the City Council would need to make that determination following back and <br />forth dialogue, without requiring final decisions at this point, that would be ar- <br />rived at by December when their final spending decisions were set. <br />Councilmember Ihlan clarified that the information presented by staff consisted of <br />an analysis of the 2009 budget; and that a proposed 2010 Budget or City Man- <br />ager-recommended budget for 2010 was not available. Councilmember Ihlan <br />questioned what the public attending tonight's meeting were to comment on with- <br />out aproposed budget, and what the City Council could discuss without it as well. <br />Mr. Miller concurred, noting that the information provided by staff was to serve <br />as a launching pad and provide a context for discussions on where current dollars <br />were allocated, and which programs should be funded in 2010. Mr. Miller ad- <br />vised that additional discussion tonight may address how to proceed in first estab- <br />lishing community needs over the next year; recognizing large block obligations <br />coming on line in 2010; and reiterated the need for everyone to acclimate to this <br />new BFO process in keeping discussion on an aggregate, rather than line item, <br />level; and allow the process time to evolve. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her concern in being asked to make a decision on <br />a Preliminary Levy without a proposed budget before her for analysis; and further <br />expressed her qualms in the BFO process without that documentation in place. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that, on September 14, 2009, the City Council <br />needed to pass a Preliminary, not-to-exceed 2010 Levy that was connected to the <br />2010 Budget. <br />Mr. Miller noted that, historically, the City has set the Preliminary Levy and <br />Budget on the same day for context, but that it was not a requirement; and that the <br />final Budget was not needed for adoption until December. Mr. Miller noted the <br />need to consider, define, and maximize additional non-tax revenue sources (i.e., <br />gas franchise, street light utility) as part of that discussion, and to think of the <br />property tax levy as the last piece. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that water, sewer, and permit fees were areas of spend- <br />ing and budget not even talked about in the 200 listed programs and activities; and <br />that in a true BFO process, part of the overall picture should include setting fees <br />to cover expenses, and this should be part of the discussion as well. <br />
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