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4. Signs and Striping. The COUNCIL may, with the agreement of the CITY erect an <br />identification sign to designate the area as a park-and-ride lot and specifying the days on <br />which it may be used as such by COUNCIL passengers and stripe and sign the parking lot to <br />designate the spaces to be used by COUNCIL passengers. <br />5. Bus Stop Sign. The COUNCIL may, with the agreement of the CITY erect a bus stop sign <br />on the west side of Civic Center Drive adjacent to the park and ride lot to identify the <br />passenger waiting and loading area. <br />6. Hold Harmless. Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and the results <br />thereof, to the extent authorized by the law, and shall not be responsible for the acts of the <br />other party and the results thereof. The Metropolitan Council's liability is governed by the <br />provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 and the Metropolitan Council's obligation <br />under this paragraph shall not be construed to negate or abridge or otherwise waive, with <br />respect to the Metropolitan Council the liability limits of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466. <br />7. Term and Termination. This agreement shall be in force for one year with an option to <br />extend, but may be terminated by either party hereto upon thirty (30) days written notice. <br />8. Snow Removal. The CITY agrees to arrange for regular and/or timely snow removal in that <br />area of the Skating Center parking lot used for park-and-ride purposes as shown in the <br />diagram attached hereto as Exhibit A. The CITY further agrees that when snow removal is <br />required, such snow removal will be completed prior to 6:00 a.m. The COUNCIL will <br />reimburse the CITY for 100% of the cost of snow removal and salting based on the <br />percentage of the parking lot used by COUNCIL customers. If the requirement to remove <br />snow prior to 6:00 a.m. causes the CITY to incur a higher than normal cost per hour to plow <br />the entire lot, the COUNCIL shall reimburse the CITY for the difference in cost for the entire <br />lot. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by the <br />persons thereunto duly authorized as of the day and year first written above. <br />METROPOLITAN COUNCIL <br />: <br />Tom Weaver, Regional Administrator <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />: <br />Chris Miller, Interim City Manager <br />Date <br />Date <br />c:\documents and settings�nargaret.driscoll�local settings\temporary internet files\olkd6\111306_p_n_ride <br />agreement-met council.doc <br />