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Attachment D <br />,� <br />��� � <br />, , � :.�, � s�:� ; �,,,u <br />JE�ne 22; �009 <br />Jamie Rad.el, Econamic Devel.apment Associat� <br />City oFRoSeville <br />2660 Civic Cen�er Drive <br />Roseville, MN SS l 13 <br />RE: C�ty of Roseville 203d Comprehensive Plan Update <br />Complete for Review <br />Metropol.itan Cot�n.cil Aevie�� File No. 20516-I <br />IYl'etropolitan Council Distri�ct ] 0, Kris Sanda <br />Dear Ms. Radel: <br />The Metropalitan Counci] received. the City of Roseville's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Update on March 6, <br />2009, a.nd found it. incomplete on March 25, 2009. The City provided addit.ianal i�iformation on May 1, <br />2009 and on June 12, 2009. The Council sfaff now finds the Update complete for revi.e�v. <br />I.n accordance state law, th.e Coun.ciE. has 120 days to coinplete its forrnal re�iew: Wr'thin this time, <br />Council staff will provide a CamprehensEVe .Plan �lpdate rev�ew to tl�e Cauncil's Community <br />Devel�pinent Cor��m�ttee (CDC) a��d to the �nvironment CommiCtee prior to the Metropolitan Council's <br />f��al actio��. The CouEZCiI's 120-day review period ec�ds on October �9, 2009. <br />A copy of the Council s�affreport will be forwarded to you when ihe rcport is maiied out to the CDC. <br />Yo�� ancE any community representati�es are invited to attend the CI�C meeti��g in order to answer <br />questions and to help Council members understand the Update from the comrnunity's perspective. <br />Please� contact �'ori Dupre, Sector RepresentativE, at 651-602-1.621 or the listed t�echni�al r�view sta:�f <br />� any questions. <br />Sin� rely, <br />i`ri�iL-Z��.�!�O � ' '`� ���� <br />Fliyilis H�i�son, Manager <br />LocaE Play�nin� Assistance <br />CC: Kris Sanda, Metropaiitan CouE-�cil District 10 <br />7�ori Dupre, Principal Reviewer / 5ectar Re�resenta�ive <br />Cheryl Qlsen; Reviews Coardinaior <br />N:ICommDe<<1LPA1CommutlLL[eSIRoSevflleli.etterslRosevttte2009CPU20�lG-I Compleie.dUc <br /> <br />390 F2obert Street North • St. Paul. MN 551D1-1805 •(651) 602-1000 • Fax (651) 602-1550 • TTY (651] 291-0904 <br />An Equal Opportu�Fiiy EmplOyPr <br />